OK, I’ve been playing around the Hanso Foundation site and have found some things. I may post some screencaps later, but here is what I have found…
Go to www.thehansofoundation.org and try to sign up for the newsletter. At this point it doesn’t matter what you enter for a name or password. You get the message from “Persephone” telling you to call the number from the ad.
Call 1-877-HANSORG and try the various options. You will wind up hearing bits of various peoples voicemails but on one of them (forget which) Persephone will break in and tell you that the password is “breaking strain”
Go back to the website and sign up for the newsletter again, this time using the “breaking strain” password. You will get a few text lines from Persephone telling you that you are now logged in and to check back later. The text disappears and is followed by a quick flash of Joop (the orangutan).
Go to “Joop’s corner” and select the option to send a message to Joop. Enter “Persephone” as your message and hit send. You will be taken to a screen showing what looks like cells dividing. After a few seconds two circles will appear. Click on them and two more will appear. Keep clicking on pairs of circles until a red circle appears. Click on it.
You will now see a letter in which someone is expressing concern that a disease outbreak in Tanzania was caused by a Hanso research facility. (You can only see part of the letter at a time and have to pan around). When you have finished reading the letter, click on the signature to be taken to a second letter in which someone is apologizing for the first. Click on the signature on the second letter and a message will appear as a woman’s voice reads it aloud; “The Hanso Foundation; setting world speed records for subverting authority”.
Click on the message to return to the standard Hanso site. Now the “live cam” image of Joop seems to have another image superimposed on it, but it is hard to tell what it is.
Now, go to “Active Projects” and “Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program” and select the “World Map”. There are three sites located in Africa, but if you move the cursor around over the Caribbean you will find another hotspot. Click on it and an empty box appears. Move the cursor to just below the empty box and some writing will appear. It seems to be some sort of code.
If you go to the “Mathematical Forecasting Initiative” page and look at the press release you will see that several words have been blanked out. No idea what this means.
Finally, if you try to sign up for the newsletter again you will get a text from Persephone telling you “No new messages”.
That seems to be it so far. Anyone find anything I or Smeghead missed?