The Masochism Tango will be played no more (Dr. Demento)

Dr. Demento’s ending his radio show. The website will continue to broadcast, but it’s the end of an era.

Seeing the thread title, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was dead. :smack: I’m left feeling a mix of relief and sadness at the same time.

I also was expecting to read an obit - either way, I went through a big Dr. D phase in high school and appreciated someone who enjoys a walk on the silly side…

One of the things I missed when I moved to NC was that no local station aired his show. I found out about the online broadcasts, but never got around to signing up for them.

This is the worst news I’ve heard in ages. Much worse than some silly oil spill. I’ve been a loyal Dementite for 35 years. But I guess you cannot maintain a syndicated show on just six stations! I should count my blessings that Chicago was one of his few remaining locations.

We’ll just have to try all the harder on our own to STAY. DEE. MENTED!!!