The medical staff told my daughter I'm not motivated to live

It’s not that I’m not motivated to live. I’m just not motivated to make the staff happy, which the staff will misinterpret because they think they have my best interests in mind. Which they might; I’m not motivated to care.

I’m a lousy patient.

I’d make that damn clear to the staff and to your daughter so they won’t say such stupid, harmful statement again. Clearly, they lack listening skills. Any chance you can move to a different facility?

I’m interpreting, based on what you said, that you don’t want to do what they are telling you that you need to do in order to become healthier. Is that right?

Actually, I don’t know. I thought I was being Mr Cooperation and doing everything I was asked to get well.

This was part of Mike, @dropzone has been AWOL . I don’t know which facility or when. All I know is that when Oldest passed it along she thought it was funny and figured that I would, too. Which I did.

You sound like a fine patient to me.

I would prefer a patient who doesn’t care to one that is critical, if you get my drift.

Oh, Mikey.

I told you that. I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.

We, as patients are in the dubious position of trying to do the right things(what the staff and doctors want) and feeling safe, at the same time.

You can protest and ask for explanations all you want. It shouldn’t mean you’re uncooperative.

I’ve been there.

But, still. Be good. I know you have speaking issues, me too.
Get a pen and paper if you need to.

My fingers are crossed for you.

It’s a good sign you’re making threads. I think.

We’re only hearing one side of it. I’m sure the staff has a different take.

Yeah, but why should I care? :wink:

If those were the exact words the staff said to dropzone’s daughter, that’s unprofessional at the very least. Unconscionable, I call it.

She’s a CNA who sits with hospice patients. I’m not sure she noticed.

Okay, she probably noticed and tore someone a new one.

I hope she did.

Eh. I haven’t been “motivated to live” for years.

But I keep doing it anyway, because it’s better than the alternative.


If you must snipe at a poster in distress, do it in the pit.

I was not offended. Distress? Shit, I’m checking with my daughter to see if any of this really happened. That limits just how distressed I’m gonna get.

Please don’t be offended for me. I’ll let you know when your services are needed. But thank you for caring.

Wow, I didn’t take that as a “snipe” at all.

Mod note: Take it to ATMB if you don’t like the moderating.

Oldest Daughter: No you seem real motivated. No one has said anything about motivation. You just seem to be taking this as serious as it is.

Making me an unreliable narrator who dreams too much, too realistically.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, mods, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill of your own imagination. If you’re going to keep doing that please butt out of my thread.

Now that’s sniping. :grin:

I’m guessing being stuck in a hospital bed does not tend to improve one’s disposition. My father just got out of a physical rehab facility after a month and he was practically climbing the walls by the end (which may have been part of his physiotherapy, come to think of it). He’s a lot happier now he’s home.

So if it helps “motivate” you, keep thinking healing thoughts so you can get away from the nursing staff and go sleep in your own bed.

I would like to apologize to the mods for being a jerk. I was out of line.