The MMP. That's it, just "The MMP".

Good morning all. Got the whole garden stuff in over Saturday and Sunday: tomatoes (5 different types - but don’t ask me to tell you what they are), bell peppers, zucchini, kale, Swiss chard (2 different colors), spinach, radishes, cucumbers, carrots and we put a couple of spaghetti squash plants out front in the ornamental garden. I hope the neighborhood hooligans don’t think those are for them.

We’re getting the people who screwed up installing the siding on our house seven years ago to come out today and fixed everything that they did wrong. They are even replacing the siding on the front of the house because of a manufacturer’s defect that causes white circles to appear on the surface. This is going to take about four days, and all we have to pay is $150 for them to replace the porch supports - which is how this whole nightmare started. This time, the wife will be there to supervise the siding monkeys (we were both working when it was first done, and they worked mostly unsupervised.
From last week:

No No NO. Everyone knows that your porn name (which includes sex workers) is the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on. I am Scamper Tillotson, which is so much better than May Sprinkle Doughnut.