The Most ANNOYING Thing

Doesn’t it drive you crazy when people use u for you and 2 instead of to or too? Their posts end up looking like some illiterate dope wrote them. “U can’t get 2 that road from the hiway…” Yeah, I also can’t stand when they use hi for high, lite for light, brite for bright. Learn grammar, people!!! And I know you make typos, but some people just plain can’t spell!!! And I also can’t stand wHeN pEoPlE wRiTe LiKe ThIs - don’t they know how annoying and hard to read that is!!! Use some common sense!!!

Kammy baby, please try to use quotations or SOMETHING so that we can understand what the hell you’re saying. Thanks.

“You’re going to listen
to ME? To something I
said? Haven’t I made it
abundantly clear over the
tenure of our friendship
that I don’t know shit?”

  • Brodie, “Mallrats”

U got it! It annoys me 2…

Yer pal,

Kameryn, IMO u r 2 upset - liten up B4 u get on the hiway or u may end up DOA!

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

You got the ryte idea!!!

Thanx for posting this thread!!!

It rox!!!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.


It is apparent that Kameryn and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince did not part on the best of terms…

Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

And let’s not forget Slade!

d3wdz, whu4 vve h@v3 h3r3 iz a n0n-ELiTE l@mur.

i sUgg3st w3 lart i4 b4 i4 getz 0ut 0f |-|and.


What the FUCK does that say?

“d3wdz, whu4 vve h@v3 h3r3 iz a n0n-ELiTE l@mur.”

Dudes, what we have here is a non-elite lemur.

"i sUgg3st w3 lart i4 b4 i4 getz 0ut 0f |-|and.

I suggest we dart it before it gets off the island.

That help?
– Sylence

And now, for my next trick, I will talk in spooky half-references.

Fer shure.
Wit Lite.

I’m with you on this thru and thru.


Sylence, how the hell did you glean that from Konrad’s post? You’re scarin’ me man.

“What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?” – W.C. Fields

Gets off the island???

No no no

“Gets out of hand.”

Seven days of sex makes a whole week.

pssst! Diane! it was a joke :wink:

O p a l C a t

Yes, it was a joke. “l@mur” looked too much like “lemur” for me to pass it up. . .

. . . Okay, it was l@me.
– Sylence

And now, for my next trick, I will talk in spooky half-references.

:::WHOOOSH::: on me :slight_smile:

Seven days of sex makes a whole week.

Whooshe on me too :slight_smile:
Though I did get l@mer

Damned lemurs, always causing trouble.