The most puzzling thing that I have ever seen

Those of you who know me know that I live in a house that is near the water, but at least 200 yards away from it. I am up on a bluff away from direct river access. Earlier tonight, I had a fire in my fire pit. I came home and went to sleep. I woke up with the irrational certanty that my fire was burning the woods down. I had to go and see. My fire was nothing but coals, but before I got there I stumbled across a dead fish.
WTF? Where did the fish come from? It was in the middle of a field, and when I say that I mean it. There was NOTHING around. I am baffeled. A fish? It’s just not possible!

I tossed the fish into the woods for wild animals to dispose of, but the whole thing makes me wonder. How did a FISH, of all things, get into the middle of my meadow???

Could it have been dropped by a fish-eating bird?

Maybe it was the fish from the Far Side ‘How Evolution began’ cartoon.

Maybe he got lost.

A mini tornado whisked it up and dropped it?

Gotta be left over from some sort of predator. Maybe it was dead, washed up and a cash or fox picked it up.

Does a bear drop fish in the woods?

Why do you have a fire pit across a field from your house?

To burn the bodies. Duh!

In that case, mysterious fish should be the least of your problems.

Have you pissed off anyone named “Vito” recently?

Have you pissed off any otters named Guido, Weirddave? :smiley:

I live on a lake and we find the remains of some pretty large fish (usually catfish) quite a ways away from the water. We have even bigger birds that carry them away like cranes, blue heron, seagulls and pelicans (I’m about 200 miles away from the ocean). Anyway these fish can be completely intact or skeletized or anywhere in between. But how surreal can you get, tripping over a fish while walking through a meadow in the middle of the night? Now if you had tripped over a chupacabras . . . now that would have been something.

Your story sounds fishy. You’re not throwing us a red herring are you?

I’d scale back on the coffee, if I were you.

Frankenfish Returns… :wink:

I’d agree that it was probably dropped by a bird. Possibly the bird didn’t retrieve the fish because the fire may have still been burning.

some fish “walk”:

There are various other species. I once saw 5 or six catfish looking creatures cross our office parkinglot (switching ponds, I guess.). This was in FL

Makes sense to me.

Why didn´t you put it in the fire and have yourself a nice midnight snack?

Did the fish have on ruby red slippers by any chance?

(was that slippers, or flippers, Salem?) :smiley: