I ordered a laptop during the Black Friday sales. I was super excited, because finally, I would have a gaming laptop that would not give oft wears hats and SenorBeef and everyone else ample grounds to make fun of me. You know, one with an actual video card?
It was supposed to ship in 1-3 days.
Shortly thereafter, I got a notification that shipping had been delayed and the laptop probably wouldn’t arrive until after Christmas. Darn it, I had really been looking forward to playing with it, and now I’d have to wait until mid-January to get my hands on it.
Then, I got a FedEx shipping notification! It didn’t say who it was from, but what else could it be other than the laptop, right? I couldn’t remember anything else that I’d ordered…
Of course, I ran out and told everyone that my laptop was coming and we were going to have SO MUCH FUN playing all my games on it.
The next day, I realized that the shipping notification wasn’t for the laptop.
No. Not at all.
It was for beans. Ten pounds of beans.
I know, I know! But I have a favorite kind of beans and they are delicious, so of course I have to order them in bulk every once in a while because you can’t find them in the grocery store. Doesn’t everyone?
So not only am I NOT getting my laptop tomorrow, I now have to go back and tell THE ENTIRE WORLD that I couldn’t tell the difference between a laptop and a big bag of beans. And it had to be beans. Beans are just silly.
How completely embarrassing.