I came home at 12:20 or so and checked my email, then clicked over to BBC world news (news.bbc.co.uk) for a second. I saw that the top, front page story was an explosion at an oil refinery on Staten Island. This seemed to me to be a fairly big deal, having possible terrorist implications-which is officially ruled out, but worrying. So I click over to CNN.com-nothing about it. Also looked at CNN on the TV as it was the only news I could find-nothing. I looked back at BBC and found that the explosion had occured at 10:10, and that they had reported on the effect of the blast on the oil market at least an hour before. As I was watching CNN at 12:45 or so, the story broke on CNN with an official statement from the mayor, two and a half hours after the explosion.
I would think that such a visible event (plumes of black smoke over NYC and a huge fire) would have warranted some breaking news without an official statement. This definitly helped confirm my loss of faith in the american news system.
For what its worth I was watching live on cnn as breaking news as it was happening… about an hour later the smoke did die down considerably. But yes it was on tv.
You ever notice that every year there is a refinery fire, and every year they blame it for the higher gas prices all across the country? Now if I were cynical, I’d imagine They have big burners at all of the refineries and They fire one or two up every year. “Hey, look at this! Sorry, but we’ll have to raise prices. (snicker snicker snicker)”
Of course that doesn’t happen. That the explosions happen with some regularity is only a coincidence.
Not a coincidence, a natural consequence of that industry. When you’re dealing with explosive/flammable materials, and something goes wrong, you get explosions and flames.
The surprising thing is that it doesn’t happen more often.
But hey, it’s February. They tell us that it takes a long time to stock up the tanks for summer. Of course when summer does roll around they say that they didn’t put enough gas in the storage tanks, so they have to charge more for it; and the fires, you know…