The Nothing Post

This post has no point therefore it is unimportant. So I suppose that means you can do anything here. lays back, puts her hands behind her head and closes her eyes [sigh]:stuck_out_tongue:

::trips over ozonebaby::

I just ate the first Dairy Queen banana split that I’ve had in probably 20 years.

Hey! Who left this (your name here) in the middle of the …

:: trip:: < klunk >

Aw, shit.


Thanks, I don’t mind if I do.

“Hey, you got a booger on my Dairy Queen banana split.”

“Hey, you got a Dairy Queen banana split on my booger.”

hmmm…a thread about nothing…

:::strolling through:::

Hey…is that…


ozonebaby! Euty! (yournamehere)! Great to see you! How y’all doing?

if the washer starts overlowing with soap, I didn’t do it.

(runs and hides behind sofa)

::walks in::
::sees 4 Dopers sprawled on the floor::



::dives onto the pile::

Hey! Who just joined me behind the sofa!

Oh, hey, BNB, how you doin’ :wink:

Want a drink?

Hey, folks. Don’t mind me, I’m just looking for change to run out and buy some fries. starts looking under sofa cushions glances over behind sofa Oh, hi Baddie. What you doing back there?

Have I mentioned how much I like cheese? Particularly havarti. Actually, gouda is rather nice as well, and I’d certainly never turn down a slab of good old fashioned cheddar.

Correction: I just remembered that I had one in 1986.

Ve are nihilist posters! Ve believe in nothing!

.semit dooG .atnaS rof pu gnitiaw dna gat ezeerf gniyalp eb ll’I sisirc efil-dim ruoy htiw gnilaed lla er’uoy elihw tub yaw siht efil fo sraey neves-ytnewt evah ylno I ,eurT .regnuoy gnitteg syawla tuoba ecin gnihtemos s’erehT .sdrawkcab evil ot esoohc lliw I kniht I od ot tnaw I gnihtyna fo eciohc eht neviG ?tahw wonk uoY

?‘sEsirc efil-dim’ eb taht t’ndluohs ,[b/]sirisO[**b]

Anyway, I just stopped by because I heard galen ubal say there were drinks. I’ll tend bar – who wants what?

I actually read all Osiris’s post knowing it was about nothing! It was nice though and I had a lot of, errr…fun! :smiley:

Hey, a party just because? To celebrate the joy that is nothingness? I’m in!

White Lightning, make mine a Napoleon Brandy… brings back memories of that wedding banquet I attended last summer! :slight_smile: