Ok… after a really so-so season I thought last night’s episode of The Office was really firing on all cylinders.
The Andy story was the classic uncomfortable squirminess of the office, the Darryl/Nellie story line was really enjoyable (Nellie eating a taco was the best thing she’s done on the show), and the Dwight storyline had me laughing harder than anything in ages. The only part that didn’t quite work as well for me was the Senator/Oscar stuff, but it was still pretty good too.
Well, I was hoping David was going to hire Andy so Andy could get the last laugh. Maybe that’s a setup for a future episode. Or Andy is going to be inspired to do something like David’s ridiculous invention and hit it big.
To make Andy feel even worse, of course. It sounded like David Wallace was in the same situation as Andy, but commiseration over losing your job is a bit hollow when you find out it’s coming from a multi-millionaire .
If Nellie stays like this, I might grow to like her character. She was amusing and not grating at all. Kevin was a riot and I too thought his dog was dead. That was classic Office right there. I liked David Wallace coming back and hope that it wasn’t just a cameo. Not the best episode overall, but very good for this season.