The Office: 4/5

Was I hearing things or did Michael just give a shout out to the Dope?

Great episode so far, by the way. I love that Dwight saved Jim.

C’mon Toby…
“Where are we going?”
“I’m going to hit you in the head with a hammer. Come on!”


Angela running around getting the story over and over, getting all hot and bothered hearing about Dwight to the Rescue. That’s great.

“I’m not a hero. You know who the real hero is? It’s the guy who goes to work, takes off his glasses, puts on a cape…” heh

Michael: “You give me a 10 % raise, or no more sex! What are you writing…?”
Toby: “Just preparing for the deposition”


The look on Jim’s face when he saw Angela and Dwight. HAHAHAHAA!!!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jim that speechless.

That was one of the best episodes in a while.

I don’t think it was an SDMB shotout, but it did cross my mind as well given he proceeded it with a few more websites.

Well, Andy’s back! Gotta say, I saw the spray coming. But Toby making Dwight hand in all his weapons. Nice ending.

A good return after so many weeks off.

Angela was really good in this episode. And some fun bits with Creed. “And then Dwight pulled out a can of hairspray and a lighter…”

Michael talking about what a great authority Wikipedia is – “anybody can write anything they want about anything!”

Wait - we missed this part. What did he say?

And “What’s wrong with Usher? Usher Jennifer Hudson Kapur!”.


Arghhh! I forgot to set the timer on the VCR! Darn!

It was Michael, saying something to the nature of “OK, time for the straight dope, not the Wikipedia or the Google.”

Huh. Sounds like a shout out to me.


And how about Roy asking Pam why she didn’t go after Jim? Think that’ll light a fire under her butt?

“Are you wearing lady clothes?”

Amazingly, I realized that Michael was wearing a woman’s jacket before it came up (the buttons were the wrong way, then I noticed the padded shoulders). He looked adorable.

I love Creed. He lives in an interesting little world of his own.

The web sites made me think so too. Wishful thinking, perhaps. The Dope is certainly much, much more obscure than those two ubiquitous names.

Wait, Andy came back? Did I miss something?

I agree that this was one of the best eps in a long time. Toby had me rolling with every line.

“When I found out Jim had feelings for Pam, my reaction was to have a lot of long talks with him about our feelings. Roy’s reaction was to try and kill him. I wonder which one Jim hated more.”

…Something to that effect, anyway.

Pam: “I’ve been kind of having a rough week… but this helps.”

The very end, right before (and while) they rolled the credits. The Outtro segment, only about a minute.

Andy comes back from Anger Management training – has a brief blurb to the camera in the parking lot. Then he comes in the building to announce he’s back, and before he even gets two words out, Dwight sprays him in the face with his foamy-looking pepper spray. Andy rolls around on the floor in agony. As credits roll, we have a shot of Dwight having to hand over all his weapons to Toby, who’s putting them in a box. And then a cut to one more Dwight interview, where he says something like:

"I’m not a hero. You know who’s the real hero? Hiro, from Heroes…

And Bono…"

“Bippity Boppity.”

Michael’s best line:

“Being the boss is about more than just the money. There are the perks. Like, I get a $100 gas card. You can’t put a price on that.”