Mike has a dinner party; Dwight’s not invited but Angela and Andy are. Hilarity ensues.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
How’d you like to be in the middle of Michael and Jan’s relationship?
That might have been the most uncomfortable episode ever. I loved it when Jim tried to bail on Pam.
That was pretty good. A little bit Edward Albee for dummies, but pretty good.
God, Michael is trapped in hell.
Jan is a lot crazier than she used to be.
I’m so accustomed to being aghast at Michael’s behavior, tonight I was aghast at their guests, for not getting the hell out of there.
Great episode. Loved Angela’s line about Dwight’s beets in her mouth. Yeah, I’m 12.
How about the quick little line from one of the cops that showed up.
“Not now, Dwight.”
I just watched “The Deposition” and I mean really, why hasn’t Michael killed himself yet?
I came in at the last five minutes, so I’ll have to wait to watch it on the website. But was Jan super-gluing a trophy at the end?
Yes. She was repairing Michael’s “Dundy”
I am embarrassed to admit that I wasn’t watching this as closely as I should have been. Are Jan and Michael going to have a baby? Dear og, I hope not.
This was a decent episode, I’d say. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be one of those “rewards repeated viewings” episodes. The only two gut-busting moments for me were when Michael screamed “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!” and when Angela smeared the ice cream on the car. Other funny things were “This will be great to cook with” about Pam’s wine, Michael’s tiny TV and tiny bed, Hunter’s CD, (which seemed to be labeled “The Hunter”) and the cops knowing Dwight.
It seems that Angela still has feelings for Dwight, and Dwight’s clearly still in love with her. How will it play out? I can’t wait to see!
Too bad that the rest of the office crew were completely M.I.A. I need my Creed, Toby, Kelly, and Kevin fixes, especially after all these months! And there was very little Andy, which was weird. I guess we’ll see the whole gang next week.
I’m so happy that it’s back!
Hunter’s song was brilliantly horrible. It wasn’t so bad it was unrealistic, but just superficially competent enough to totally believable as an attempt at what Family Guy refers to as the “douchebag with a guitar” genre.
Yes, that was uncomfortable, and Jim trying to bail was hilarious. So I assume Jan had a thing on the side with her musician assistant? I hope Jan gets reinstated somehow, it’s easier to work her back in that way. And having Ryan back at the Office would be great too, his uncomfortableness with Michael was funny.
I missed the end of the episode due to local news interrupting to tell me that it was thunderstorming in some places I’ve never heard of. What happened after the cops came?
All across the country, couples who call each other “babe” are reassessing their lives.
The cops ask if Michael wants to press charges, and after explaining that Michael doesn’t have to be arrested in lieu of Jan, suggest that Mochael spend the night elsewhere. Michael wants to stay with Jim, but Jim shrugs him off since hey, his apartment’s on fire. Dwight insists that Michael sleep with him. Dwight and Michael drove off together with Michael hanging his head out the window like a very sad dog. Pam and Jim get food, and call each other “Babe” while listening to Hunter: Hunted, which Jim swiped. Angela and Andy get ice cream, and when Andy playfully steals a bite of Angela’s, she opens the car window and smears the cone on the side of the car. Back at the condo, Jan attempts to repair the Dundie she smashed.
If you notice, Dwight and his date have their wine glasses filled to the top, which is a little odd.
“I can’t prove it…but I think she’s trying to poison me.”
A hell of his own making? The more we see of his private side, the more incredibly pathetic he is.* They are going to have to ease off the throttle at some point.
*Remember the ep with the home movies of him as a kid? Something about all he wanted was to be liked, or have a friend, or somesuch?
I thought this episode was really hilarious. Many uncomfortable moments and quick glances (ie: Pams face when Jan says dinner will take 3 hours).
I didn’t get it at the end when Michael and Dwight drove past Dwights “date” and she was standing there with a bum. Was this implying that Dwight had picked up some homeless person to pose as his date?
I really like the new, wilder Jan. She used to come off as more “together”. I like her more now that she’s so high strung…she cracks me up!!!
I think she was standing at a bus stop, implying that she was forced to take the bus home. When I first saw her, I thought perhaps she was supposed to be his mother (given that she appeared to be older).