I haven’t see this ep yet, but reading these two sequential posts I picture a baby driving a car, and Jim “pulling it over” like a police car pulls over a traffic offender. Too much of a stretch, even for The Office. :rolleyes:
Wrong office – this is Duner-Mifflin…you want Initech, about 2,600 miles west.
I liked how Michael had a few moments of sanity (like telling Pam she needs to go to the hospital now and for the most part the actual drive to the hospital) before slipping back into his usual self. Even when he was his usual weird self he came across as nicer than usual.
And she was milking her pregnancy and imminent maternity leave for all it was worth to get more sales.
Is it normal for the father to actually stay in hospital overnight with the mother (& her roommate)? :dubious: I thought Jim staying with Pam the whole time (& sleeping in the same hospital bed) was very strange. Especially since she had a roommate.
As for the cabinets; I was a little disappointed that Dwight was still there. I figured that he’d have finished putting their kitchen back together before they got home. Then they’d just slowly notice that everything is slightly off and they have new cabinets.
When each of my kids was born, I slept in the room with my wife the first night - but they had a pull-out sleeper. And it was a private room.
My husband got to stay the night, but I was in a private room. Policy was that if you shared a room, you couldn’t have overnight guests because the room would be too crowded. Not sure how much that was enforced though.
We had a private room, but I stayed with my wife the whole time she was in the hospital.
This whole series has just gotten way too broad for me. (Dwight making himself at home in Jim and Pam’s house, e.g.) I much preferred the subtlety of the English version.
His sleeping bottomless (and getting up in view of the film crew) was hysterical to me, I have to admit.
It was the shirt that made that joke, really.
Michael put diesel into a petrol car. Wouldn’t that make his car seize up well before he reached the hospital, or am I missing something?
“You can’t impersonate a police officer, Dwight” and Angela catching Jim putting a nappy on her cat genuinely made me laugh. I also liked the conclusion of the ipod subplot.
“You can’t park here.”
Michael hurls keys far away, “I’m parked now.”
Also, Dwight to Isabella’s “Adults go to the dentist, too.”
condescending look of amused disbelief
“Do they now?.. How some people spend their money…”
That would have been funnier. They come home and Jim goes in the kitchen to make some coffee: “Hey, didn’t this door used to open the other way?”
I have mixed feelings about this episode. I like the main story line with Jim and Pam, but I really hate what they did with Michael and Dwight. They were both way over-the-top nowadays that it’s not funny anymore.
I love the scene with Pam and Kevin bonding over their “second lunch”.
I have to admit that I think Isabelle is pretty cute and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her… :o
I only voted “meh” because, being that I’m of the right age, my life is overrun by everyone having babies. And it seems to me like the TV is overrun with it to. Having no interest in having babies, I’m all “meh” about the whole subject.
Otherwise, the episode(s) wasn’t bad. Not overly hilarious but I still like the tone of the show.
KUDOS to not having a in-the-delivery-room scene, tho. Quite tired of those as well
(BTW I am not against people having babies, don’t hate me! I"m just tired of the subject, just like I’m tired of Twitter and Republicans )
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That is to say I’m also tired of babies, Twitter, and Republicans. The actual baby related humor was, IMHO, the least funny parts of the episode.
(I’m also pissed that my spell check isn’t flagging “Twitter.”)
same gripe, different episode. i think that you, me, and every other fogey who long for the days of pauses, awkward glances, and humor based on observational humor rather than living cartoons have officially lost.
michael will never be the “competent yet overbearing boss” of the british BBC. He won’t even be the “semicompetent jackass” of season 1 and 2. He’s a flat out child now with zero self awareness or restraint.
Dwight will no longer be “just the lame guy from the office who plays paintball on weekends and wears birkenstock with sandals.” He’s a flippin psychopath.
I don’t hate the humor. there are bits that are funny. i just mourn the death of the wry humor this show was conceived with. It got americanized very quickly - degenerating characters into stereotypes.
I voted “good”, because most baby episodes suck majorly. This one didn’t, so the other stuff wins.
Um… what? The British Office got tired near the end precisely because David Brent was completely incompetent at nearly everything he did. And seemed to actively hate everyone on staff. It’s very clear from Michael’s flashes of brilliance that he occasionally knows what he’s doing.
I stayed in the room with my wife after our baby was born. We were there for two nights, and one of the two we shared the room with another couple. They just divided the room with a curtain.