The old fart thread.

wacky–I have a confession to make. I read them in the bookstore. Unfortunately, a one year hiatus has made the Marvel Comics storylines almost incomprehensible to me. At least with the DC reboots (like “Zero Hour”) I could kind of follow along. But what the hell is going on with the Fantastic Four???

::walks in::

Eeewwww! This room has old person smell! Bye!

::walks out::

'Tis ok, I forgive ya. :slight_smile:

The joke used to be, “Dad, did you know Paul McCartney was in another band before he was in Wings?”. Now it’s, “Who in the hell is Paul McCartney?”

Old geezer checking in. I enjoyed watching the moon landing and I know where I was when President Kennedy was shot. I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan (who?) along with Senor Wences. I watched Gilligan’s Island its first season. I grew up with Opie Taylor and they were still making Looney Tunes.

I remember being surprised when I saw a color TV at Sears and the picture was black and white – I assumed it magically transformed black and white TV into color. I didn’t know they had to actually broadcast a color signal.

The closest thing we had to microwave popcorn was Jiffy Pop. Telephones had dials. So did TVs for that matter.

And I thought my dad told boring stories!!

Pulling up a chair and caressing a raunchy little Clilean red.

“Old Farts” - I didn’t even know we used the same phrase. When I was a kid it seemed we only spoke related languages but I swear UK/US English is converging.
So, yep, remember when colour TV arrived - my first show in colour was ‘Alias Smith and Jones’ at a friends house.

A walk down media memory lane ends at tiny fragments of the '68 Olympics in Mexico (B/W then), McCartney getting married and the moon walk. I came very late to contemporary music - my 6 year younger brother had mum buy him Yellow Submarine and I had no idea what was going on - didn’t wake up 'til Abba (still don’t understand that). Queuing to see Butch Cassidy, seriously lying to get into The Exorcist (one friend took a bible !) and when I woke up to them….girls
wearing Hot Pants. Think I need another bottle of this stuff.

Don’t worry, London Calling; we’re still “two nations separated by a common language.”

I remember going to a friend’s house in '64 to watch a broadcast of “The Wizard of OZ” on their color tv. I was very disappointed during the first 15 minutes that the movie seemed to be black & white.

London, you’re name reminds me of another passing: Punk/new wave. I remember when the Clash was the lastest, greatest thing. “London Calling” came out in the states, and I played the grooves off of it (pre-CD, natch). I even rushed out to buy “Sandinista” and “Combat Rock.”

Now, the only place I hear the Clash is during “80’s at 8” on the local “modern” rock station. And all those small obscure bands (does anybody else remember XTC? Richard Hell and the Voidoids? 999? Minutemen?) have vanished from the minds of man.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if this fine specimen of femininity is an “Old Fart”, then may my nose grow twice as large.

::wanders in slowly::

Can I join in? Sometimes I feel 17 going on 70 if that counts at all. A few people at school say I act like a little old woman.

And I listen to records. Well, used to, until our needle decided to run away from home (as you could read in my thread I created). sigh I miss listening to Simon & Garfunkel, Cat Stevens, Pink Floyd, and our hundreds of Christmas records!

I’m wearing clothes that are older than me. These are my dad’s red wool basketball shorts, probably from the 50s (he graduated in 1958). They’re getting a little hot now…

::sits down by candy dish:: If this stuff is anything like the candy at my grandma’s house, bless her soul, it’s probably a million years old, but oh well. ::takes a moldy peppermint and chomps it down::

That was “nose”, right Mr Cynical ?

Guy - don’t get me started on that. The first few days of Punk are as vivid as anything. First ever song was the Pistols “God Save the Queen” - hair stands up all over, “Hangin’ Around” on TV with The Stranglers in a pub basement going banana’s and then came Strummer and co…

Never was a better way to lose (some of) that surplus testosterone.

Nice remebering XTC, truly originals and very fond memories.


XTC? Dear God! If you think that I’m too young to remember them, then you must be the Mayor of Simpleton!

(I still adore them!)

hell, if one is judged by things, then I became old as a teen ager when the music suddenly became too loud for me.

Lemme tell you about my bowels…

Why, Mr. Cynical, you don’t look like Lister anymore; you look like Jimmy Durante!

I’m old enough to have had a crush on Monte Markham (sigh!), and Honey West was my role model (little did I know I would grow up to be Sally Rogers!).

Denbo, I love you. :smiley:

Cynical–me too. My true sign of devotion is that I bought both “Apple Venus” and “Wasp Star”, even though XTC is down to just Andy Partridge and Colin Moulding. I am still maintaining an unbroken collection of their albums, all the way back to “White Music.” And I live on Respectable Street, too.

I remember seeing Led Zepplin, live. And the Grateful Dead, before Jerry’s hair went grey. Now I listen to them on the radio station out here that plays “All Rock and Roll Oldies”. Dam, I actually heard a muzak version of Stairway to Heaven a while back.

Just bury me now, and get it over with.


Sense a curious undercurrent…………Mr Cynical’s nose….Eve …………and Jimmy Durante !

JD - Absolute classic example of the phallic nose (think Willie Shoemaker might also be a ‘member’ of this ). If you didn’t know better (30 years before micro-surgery) it might be possible to conclude there was an awful mix-up at the hospital.
Guy - “Respecable Street”, huh. No living on a farm boy’s wages for you ? Sell Out !!

I’ll turn 40 in October, but I find myself telling people I’m 28 when they ask! I don’t know why, I just do! I remember when everyone at work would chip in to buy an “Olympic Lottery” ticket. (Ticket money used to finance the Montreal Summer Olympics) The grand prize was {fighting to keep from putting pinkie finger near mouth} one million dollars! Now if the lottery jackpot is 1 million, it’s not worth buying a ticket!
BTW does anyone remember:
“The Banana Splits”?
When Uncle Walt hosted “The Wonderful World Of Disney”?
“Harlem Globetrotters” Cartoons?
“Beatles” cartoons?
Twice-a-day mail delivery?
(And especially for those in Western New York State & Southern Ontario)
Commander Tom,
Rockeetship 7 and
Promo The Robot?

Well, I am only 31, to be 32 next month. I am NOT an old fart.

< tehe >

My sister still lives in the town that we spent most of our time growing up. She sent me a box, after clearing out the old homestead after my mother passed on. This box had a lot of my old baseball card collection and other assorted comic books and junk. As an avid baseball fan I had a cool time looking through these old baseball cards, mostly of the 1969 and 1970 season from the old Topps collection.

'69 was a real cool year for baseball. Mets fans weren’t assholes, they were lovable. Everybody loved the Mets as they swept the Orioles for the '69 series. I had a great time looking at my Mets cards, with Jerry Koosman, Tom Seaver, and evenNolan Ryan. I had about 15 of the original Seattle Pilots, the one-year expansion ballclub that moved onto Milwaukee in 70, IIRC. The expansion Expos, Padres, and Royals players were all in their original uniforms along with the last year of the Washington Senators in their scarlet and white uniforms. At that time I didn’t know the Senators were having problems in DC, but I liked collecting their cards because they had cool uniforms. Ted Williams was their manager and they had guys with neat baseball names, Coleman, Brinkman, Epstien, Harrah, and Knowles. I remember it was a shock to me when they moved to Texas. Texas? Who plays ball in Texas?

I gathered up the cards, placed them in plastic bags and stuck them in my bookshelf. I’ll give them to my kid when he’s old enough. I felt my age for that short time, then I felt good again. Playing and loving baseball is ageless. My kid is so into baseball now. One of these days I’ll take him aside after we play catch and tell him a story of the old '69 Washington Senators. :slight_smile: