Doubtless you’ve seen Are there any other underage dopers?
Feh. My normal sipping Scotch is older than those kids. Hell, I’ve got ulcers older than some of them.
Doubtless you’ve seen Are there any other underage dopers?
Feh. My normal sipping Scotch is older than those kids. Hell, I’ve got ulcers older than some of them.
Semi-old fart here. I’m only 25 and that thread made me feel old!!
I recently lent my son my old baseball glove. The laces tore almost on the first ball he caught. I realized then that I had gotten the glove in 1964.
Perhaps my sig line says it better than I could.
My 15 year old shorts ripped off my body the other day.
I was in the kitchen, my eldest boy thought he’d be funny and pants me…my hands were full at the time (getting dinner ready) so I spread my legs to thwart his pantsing attempt.
They ripped right up the front revealing my member to all that cared to look.
I loved those shorts…I’d like to be alone now.
My kids occasionally use my old radio flyer, complete with 1962 license plate.
For some reason the fact that I remember watching the Apollo 11 moon landing on TV makes me feel very old. That and the fact I saw the Police in concert before they were playing arenas.
I’ve reached that age when, to my horror, I discover most of my favorite songs are on the oldies stations.
Another old fart tottering into the room. I’m with ya on the music thing, Guy. I often peek into the music threads here and usually recoil in horror when I see something like Nine Inch Nails (Ouch! Ooo! Geez! I always think). I quit reading Rolling Stone about 10 years ago, when I realized I didn’t know anybody they were writing about any more!
Oh, and I’m 36. I’ve been married 14 years, given birth three times and am considering a tattoo. I have one gray hair.
PS – Jimmy, one thing I love about the people pages: when I read a post like yours and can hurry over and look at the picture. It so completes the pantsing tableau.
Feh…I bought Elvis’ first 4 albums…when they were released.
What’s the cutoff for being an old fart? I’m 33. Does it count that when I get out of bed I feel 63? I was talking to my young cousin the other day (he’s 18) about computers, and I mentioned that when I had a computer class in high school, we saved our data on cassette tapes. He thought I was joking.
Oh, and Ellen – I saw your picture. You’re 36? Puh-leeze. This thread is for the old farts only. You foxy twenty year-olds have your own thread.
Hell, I’m starting to notice that “Grandma” smell at my house.
Old farts? Why you young whippersnappers, you don’t have any idea what it means to be old. I remember the end of World War II. I started first grade right after the war ended. I walked ten miles to school, through the snow, ten miles home again, more snow, uphill both ways, too, I’m telling you kids you don’t have a clue what it was like back then. I worked four hours before school started and twelve more when I got home. Kids. Think they had it rough.
I was born in 1940. I am sixty. I feel like a twenty-one year old. A twenty-one year old with a debilitating disease.
[Monty Python reference]…All we had for supper was a lump of dry poison, and then our Da’ would kill us and dance about on our graves, singin’ Hallelujah.[/Monty Python reference]
“Old fart?” I prefer “society dowager,” if you don’t mind . . .
You all complain too much. Just don’t start discussing bodily funtions and the lack or loss thereof and i think you’ll be off to a good healthy young start. Rachelle, i’m 25, and no way am i feeling old.
I’m still young and healthy, and 60 aint old either. My grandfather is 77 and he’s still in shape and feeling and acting young, so your only an old fart if you act and smell like one.
Manny, you young whipper snapper you, get a haircut!
Where’s the “Too old for underage but too young for old fart” thread?
I’m 27, still look and smell good. I do, however, enjoy a good bodily function discussion.
soulsling, if you’re 25, of COURSE you don’t feel old. I didn’t start feeling old until a few years ago. It was slow and subtle:
–I stopped staying up until 1 a.m., and started getting up at 6 a.m.
–Hangovers started lasting longer, and I didn’t have as much fun causing them.
–I programmed the local NPR station on my radio.
–I had to start explaining references to events that occurred during my teens.
–My cholesterol level hit 240.
–I stopped buying comic books.
Man, am I depressing myself right now…
Reporting for duty, older brother. I was told there were a bunch of old farts here…anyone seen them?
I’m a mature gentleman, myself.
O man, how can you do that? It’s almost a crime!
How do they say it? I have enough past to be interesting, and enough future to be fun. I do have the occasional geezer attack - I am 43 - but I would willingly join Manhatten in drinking libations that are aged - and I can afford them too!