The original word is fuckING.

As in, “This guy is fucking batshit insane.”
Or perhaps, “What a fucking loser.”

If you want to get a little grittier, perhaps you prefer “fuckin’.”

As in, “Y’all’re fuckin’ crazy, man.”
Or perhaps, “This fuckin’ loon is cruisin for a bruisin’.”
Easy enough.

However, there are some who type “fucken.”

What kind of a spelling is “fucken?”

I weep for the state of the SDMB when even those too inarticulate to avoid profanity can’t even get THAT right.

[sub](waits for the parade of “your fucken rite” and “fucken a” and “your fucken stoopid”)[/sub]

How do you stand on Frickin?

“Frickin’” is OK, as is “frackin’.”
But “fricken” and “fracken” are right out.

A turducken is a turkey,duck, and chicken stuffed together, right?

I guess if you stuffed a frog in a duck and then a chicken, you’d get a fucken. If the frog is one a those transformed princes, that’d be a royal fucken.


I think it’s a nicely ironic touch that you didn’t actually swear at anybody in this pitting; well done.

Is rassafrassin’ acceptable? You can’t take rassafrassin’ away! How will I swear at those rascally rabbits?

I always thought it was “razzle-frazzis.”

ISTM that “fucken” is a corruption of “fooken”. It always struck me as an English-soccer-hooliganism.

Perhaps it’s the adjective?

Strike — Stricken

Fuck — Fucken?

Or perhaps not. :wink:

Rackafracken works nicely.

I thought this was going to be about that investment company ING.

Thank you. That has been bothering me for weeks now.

The other one is people referring to TV commercials as adds. As if there’s any math involved.

::laughs so hard he coughs up his shoes and a lung::

Yeah, that is pretty funny, Daniel.

I prefer “phuquin”.

Yeah, I’m about to loose my mind over all them misspellings.

Frikkin’ is spelled with two k’s, no c’s. (That’s not a joke – “frik” is a real word separate from fuck, and is not a fake derivative thereof like frack or frell.)


And frac is spelled “frac”. Well, it is in the oil and gas business.

I’ve seen it claimed (with no authority whatsoever) that the original form of the adjective was fucken–a past participle analogous to broken, taken, woven, etc.

Fucking fabulous post. :smiley:

Isn’t Fucken a little town in Germany, that keeps getting their town signs stolen?

Frick and Frack were a comedy duo, before even I was born.