The Political leanings of US Presidental Candidates...

On the Political Compass, they have a graph listing the positions of the main candidates in the upcoming Primaries / Elections.

IYHO, is this a decent reflection of the relative positions of the prospective candidates, or not?

I would have assumed from the analysis posted here about the candidates that Dean would be further to the left than most of the Dem candidates, but that doesn’t seem the case here.

Thanks for any thoughts.

I’m more amazed that Dean is considered RIGHT by that website.

I think their zero-point on that graph is a little skewed, but that Howard Dean is positioned reasonably accurately within the pack.

Lemme guess, you thought Bill Clinton was a socialist, too, am I right? :wink:

IMHO everybody should be moved a little right and a good deal down. Take the test on the site, the questions are somewhat loaded. I ended up right on the middle of the left/right line and about 1/3 of the way down towards libertarian.

The compass was established for British politics, which is as a whole considerably to the left of American politics.

Actually, shouldn’t that be “American politics is as a whole considerably to the right of world politics”?

It would be really interesting to see an accurate depiction of this for the major leaders of the world. I would guess the same as rjung that the US is probably the furthest to the right and maybe some of the scandanavian countries are furthest to the left but it would be interesting to see.

The site does have the main UK Political parties outlined an this page, for comparison.