Uggh, I’m full.
I had Ham, Turkey and all kinds of other good stuff.
Heh, I feel lazy. Must be the combination of the tryptophan in the turkey and fabulous 99’ Zinfendel.
Uggh, I’m full.
I had Ham, Turkey and all kinds of other good stuff.
Heh, I feel lazy. Must be the combination of the tryptophan in the turkey and fabulous 99’ Zinfendel.
I know I shouldn’t have, but that last piece of pumpkin pie just looked so good!
lays back and puts both hands on stomach and kicks the recliner back, smacks lips and yawns…
nod nod nod
Behold, the Rock and Roll God
For some reason, I feel like I could go for a grilled cheese sandwich and a pickle right now.
don’t mention foooood!
You guys got to eat dinner. I was defending myself to the in-laws. Jeez, next year I’m noit going to be nice and go to his parents house.
The gravy was pretty good at both houses anyways.
So, uh, simethicone anyone?
Wow. You guys celebrate Thanksgiving. I got to fold my brother’s laundry.
::walks away muttering::
whilst you all suffer from stuffing yourselves, I feel light, strong and refreshed from my 2 mile walk followed by 1/4 mile swim.
Now I’m going to fix myself a tasty, yet reasonable meal.
(My hunny is at his parents house and I’m at home with Maggie, my Golden. I hate holidays. Lived for the holidays when I was a kid, can’t stand 'em now. They’re just alot of trouble and commercial crap. Screw it.)
I did however, take a moment to get in touch with my gratitude, but I try to do that every day. Today’s gratitude was devoted to my joy at having Maggie, my happiness that I am still, two months into it, hauling my ass outside to take my walk, and that I have a very comfortable and happy life in general.
walks in, pants explode off
Phew, I think I had a bit too much to eat.
I hate you all. I didn’t get any turkey, stuffing, no nothing. Boo-hoo-hoo!!
Actually, I’m thrilled because I’ve been trying to catch crows, and yesterday they finally came to the trap. Although I’ve used this trap design once before, this time I made the trap myself and was uncertain of the exact measurements. I was afraid I might not be able to catch any crows and have been feeling rather anxious about it. But I caught 22 yesterday, and today the trap was bulging with 34 crows inside! When I got inside the trap, I felt like Tippi Hedrin - a flying mass of panic with a few of them using my head as a launch. Unlike yesterday, I had no help today so I had to band and bleed (just a tiny bit of blood) and spin down the blood myself. So I didn’t get a chance to fix myself any dinner. But, I am so grateful for each and every crow I caught so this Thanksgiving actually turned out quite nicely! I left 3 crows in the trap (as lures) with their own Thanksgiving dinner of dog food, eggs, corn, bread, and peanuts.
Ah, to sleep tonight with peace of mind - what bliss! And Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I was actually good this year. I didn’t stuff my face, but just kind of picked all night.
Now, we’ve got lunch for tomorrow. And dinner for tomorrow night. And lunch for Saturday. And for the next 5 days after that. Ugh. At least we mixed in some ham with the smoked turkey this year.
And it wouldn’t be post-TG without a good healthy…
Um… brachy? Why were you catching crows?
I feel like shit and I have a migraine. The turkey was good though.
Hey brachy, there’s a whole lot more meat on a turkey. However, personal tastes will be respected on this holiday. Just check this thread.
Lubs Ya,
Just point me to a pile of pillows and a nice warm blankie, please.
tiggeril, I’m sending blood sera from crows to the Center for Disease Control for West Nile virus testing. This disease broke out here in the northeast last year and is running amok through the crow population, the poor dears. CDC is interested because it also hits humans (mosquito bites infected bird, then bites human). I wonder how many crows are in the trap today?
lol, Zenster. Sweetiepotatopie, I eat enough crow in my daily life. Think I’ll stick with a more traditional fare these holidays.