The Rasa appreciation thread

Usually I hate this sappy crap, but she’s just so damn cool. Gotta give you your props, babe. We’re all gonna miss you when you move.

I don’t appreciate Rasa!!! kicks Rasa in the butt
…oh fine, ok! Never personally spoken with you but I always enjoy your posts and thread input! :slight_smile: I feel close enough to kick you in the ass if you need it though… hehe

I too have never interacted on the board with her, but enjoy reading her intelligent and thoughtful posts, and love her sigs even though I’m never quite sure what is bursting or budding. Furthermore (I hope this doesn’t come across as sexist), I have seen her photos on the People Page and here and there and find her to be a uniquely exotic and beautiful lady (and this is not a flirt, I’m totally sincere).

Sir Rhosis

(she’ll be able to translate it)

Do I appreciate Rasa? Hell, yes!!

Where do I begin?

First, she introduced me to the SDMB, which is cool by itself. But, as I spend more time with her, I have discovered that she is just as beautiful, witty and intelligent IRL…no, more so.

Rasa’s energy is as bright as the Sun. One can’t help but be drawn in. Her humor is contagious and her smile and laugh infects all who are near her.

A true goddess…she is amazing.

Holy schnikeys!

A thread? For me? I’m blushing. No really I am. I even giggled when I saw the thread. I’m such a dork.

I’m happy about moving back East, I really am. It all boils down to a quality of life issue–my quality of life will be better there than here. What I’m not happy about is moving 3,000 miles away from the coolest bunch of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

woody, you rock so hard it should be illegal. And not just for starting this thread. You had me at “Any Dopers wanna go see Shane MacGowan?” :wink: Thank you for being wonderful. I’m glad I got to know you better than “he’s that really quiet guy in the Space Ghost t-shirt”.

And to the rest of the BAD’s, thanks so much for taking in an East Coast refugee, if even for a short time. I wish you could all understand how alone I would’ve felt out here without you all.

sniffle I guess I know what the song “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” is all about now.

She’s teaching me about natural drugs. Now maybe she should remember to take them before I tell the herbalist! :smiley:

Rasa kicks ass in an eepingly beautiful sort of way. I loves her.

Ok, I’ll forgive the kick in the ass this time, Whammo, but only because every time I smell cornchips, I think of you.

/me woo’s back at dpr.

Sir Rhosis, I do believe I’m swooning! First CrankyAsAnOldMan pictures me as some Arrakeen princess, now this. You flatter me, sir. I’ve since changed my sig, but it was “My omatidia are bursting with delight… I’ll think of you while I play some Rag Desh” or something. It was from edwino, who says that omatidia are fly eyeballs. (We were talking about his job in #straightdope, he does stuff with flies. I think he’s a mad scientist.) I’ve since changed it; the JRRT quote is hella apropos.

Ginger: I know I know… I lied to her again today! Why can’t I remember to take the damn things! sigh

And virtee. Not a day goes by that I don’t wonder what I did to deserve you. To think I came 3,000 miles and went through all the craziness I did, and yet still met you… You are my home. And you’re willing to leave your home for me.

Just truly a big sweetie! And the only chick I’ve ever met that can pull off any (and I mean ANY) hair color.

What is this moving crap? I’m not, but you are?

That bites.

Rasa is my best friend. Ever. I’ve known her for such a significant portion of my life that i can’t imagine what it would be like without her. For that matter, i don’t know if i’d even be alive right now. Seriously.

There’s not really a whole lot else i could say (well, i suppose i could flood the servers with The Longest Post Ever, but i won’t). I will, however, say this:



Rasa ROCKS! It’s as simple as that.

Can’t wait to meet you at the 'fest next weekend. And we’re gonna be roomies, too - WOO HOO!

Jeg elsker dig, Thomas

But I freak her out. It’s all a product of my overexaggerations and come-ons in chat (I sware, virtee, I have no clue what I’m talking about)

It’s only a joke, dear Rasa, dear Rasa, it’s only a joke.
Don’t be too freaked out when I see you at SLO.

Why, I remember when I was just a wee poster with no more posts than a sack of wet mice. Rasa was there, being cool, much like she is being right now. But now, she’s cool while on a webcam. She’s cooler when she’s on the webcam with Falstaff.

Rasa has gone through more colors than a bag of skittles. I have the pictures to prove it. Her hair is cool now, you should keep it that way, virtee agrees. Falstaff agrees.

I remember when I came home and I found Rasa in the kitchen. She had her hair in a bun and was making pancakes for me, just the way I like them, square. But, when she sat down at the tbale, she smiled at me and began to eat them in front of me. I stared at her whimpering, my jaw agape. She stabbed me with a fork to keep quiet. Syrup was everywhere. She got it on my bowling shoes. I had just rented them. I didn’t get my deposit back.

I was around when Rasa went through her rap phase. She worse so much dold and parachute pants so big… I… I… I… I didn’t know who she was anymore. She looked like a pale version of Mr. T. One morning I awoke to find Rasa doing aerobics. I her parachute pants. And her gold. Chains were flying everywhere. She had this cold necklace with a Capt. Hook from Disney’s Peter Pank figurine on the end of it. That’s how I lost my eye. Sharp things and gold and aerobics don’t mix. That’s how I became a Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator.

There was the one time when me and Rasa set out to to build a small model of Osaka, Japan completely out of old pepsi cans. Once we had finished, we dressed in our matching Godzilla and Rodan suits and fight to the death. What I didn’t know and did not find out until it was far too late was that in this game Rodan is Godzilla’s beach. I try to fly away but I soon learned that Godzilla’s tail is prehinsled. Do you know how hard it is to fix a tear in a Rodan costume with nothing but floss and a sharp stick at midnight? [sub]Do you?[/sub]

Rasa makes fun of my age but, she forgets that I could juggle her with 3 chainsaws and a chihuahua. For you see, I am taller and weigh more than her. Rasa is not the freakishly tall extra-terrestrial that she claims to be. Though, she is transparent. I held her up to the sun once and a rainbow shined on the ground. It was then I knew, Rasa was gay.

When Rasa was sick with the flu, who came over every day and gave her hot soup and took care of her without worrying about getting sick, themselves? Not me. I wouldn’t try to dirty myself just for her. When I went ot pick up my Mario Bros. figurines she coughed in my face. Pneumonia set in and I wa sput into intensive care. Or so I am told. Being in a coma for 3 months takes away your memory some. When I was awakening, Rasa was there with flowers and a punch in the nads for me. My catheter was still in. I went into another coma, for 4 months this time. Or so I am told.

Who took me out for ice cream and to the police station when I was lost? Rasa. Who killed trolls with her kung fu grip when they picked on me? Rasa. Who sends me weekly e-greetings that involve muffins? Rasa.

My fondest memory of Rasa is when she shot me with an arrow. She told me that she was painting me. I though that it would be an interseting painting. Me. Blindfolded. With an apple on my head. Wearing a target t-shirt. “William Tell” she yelled, “William Tell”. She assured me it was part of her painting process.

She lied.

When I came out of the hospital she gave me a bunny. This particular bunny had a house shaped like a car. It was cool. Whenever me and it were left alone it started speaking Italian to me. When someone walked in, he would stop. He only speaks French to strangers. Binky and I are here now. He’s watching me type. He says hi, Rasa. I still think Falstaff is cooler, thankfully Binky can’t read English.

Yeah. Rasa is cool.

Rasa is cool!
She can dance and she can sing.
She can make everyone smile.
She is a little doll.

Smart people like Rasa.
Dumb people like Rasa.
Everyone loves Rasa.

She can fly like a helicopter, but only on Saturdays.
She moved West and had fun.
She is moving East, and will have fun.

I can’t wait to meet her again in SLO.


Rasa, you go girl!

I would appreciate Rasa more if she were staying on the West Coast.

Woo! Rasa!

I like Rasa. :smiley:
She always makes me laugh, and she always has a kind word when I’m down.
I’m looking forward to meeting her when she comes back to New England. We have to have a Welcome Back Dopefest!

[sub]Merc, that was the funniest post I’ve read in a long time![/sub]

Cool, huh? Yeah, well, we’ll see how cool she is when I wake her up at 4am doing that! :smiley:
I’m glad I’m getting the chance to meet you before you flit off back to the East Coast.

:: Mauv channels her previous self, who used to live in Oakland ::

You’re hella ( :wink: ) cool, Rasa!

Dear Rasa,

I do remember when you first came into IRC - because you seemed like such an interesting person, with an interesting job and education. Not a lot of people catch my interest so quickly.

I was nervous for you when you decided to make that big move to California, and was going to tell you that you should reconsider. But you seemed so enthused and happy, how I could I do another “Anthracite raining on someone’s parade”, like I do so often? So I sat quietly, and worried for you, and hoped everything was going to turn out great for you. And overall, even though you’ve had some hard times, you seem to have pulled through very nicely, so I needn’t have worried so much. Good job.

I had hoped that we would have been able to spend more time chatting, but my schedule and other events have greatly reduced the time I spend in chat over the last 6 months. I think you have an idea of what I’m referring to…

I did want to meet you when I was at Pepper’s wedding, and would have except for having to combine the trip with work over in Palo Alto, because I really could not afford to pay for the whole trip out of pocket. My finances are not what they once were. I was so busy at the time too with the wedding…blah, blah, blah…you know what? Fuck it. These are just lame excuses. If I had really put the effort, I could have met you, I guess. Maybe I was a little too nervous, as I always am about meeting people IRL for the first time. If not for my committment to be in Pepper’s wedding, I would have cancelled the trip, as I was so nervous about the whole thing. So the reason I didn’t meet you, Rasa, was that I was scared. Of what…I guess I don’t know. How sad that I threw away an opportunity to give you a hug, and see you, and talk to you.

The point of this rambling post is to say I really think you are special, a great gal, and I hope you consider me to be your friend. And to explain why I didn’t go to SF when I was right in town. Meeting people IRL just scares me sometimes. The only Dopers I’ve met IRL are Aenea, Fierra, Mauvaise, and Pepper. And each time it took a serious effort to get the courage do it. They may tell you I didn’t act too nervous when I met them, well, I’m also a good salewoman, and can hide myself pretty well.

Enough about me. I hope you have a great weekend.

Your friend,

Sue, I may be able to carry off any haircolor, but could I win at Strip Darts? :wink:

/me eeps for Joey Hemlock


Shayna and Mauvaise: Woo! Looking forward to meeting you guys next weekend!

And Blu, I’ll be able to wave out the window to you again soon!

Pat and Snooooopy, see you guys soon too! Mercutio, my dear? You do frighten me now. :wink:

Here’s lookin’ at you, Cajun Man! Thanks.

Una: It’s ok… I understand. Though damnit, I didn’t know you were in Palo Alto, I work right next door! Thank you for caring enough to be concerned about me. And of course I consider you a friend.