And I ain’t kidding.
I’m not talking major releases here. I’m talking movies you wonder how the hell they ever got released period.
My first nomination…
Cornman…That’s right Cornman.
I just picked up this little 4 movie set called Rural Folk. It contains…Cornman, Dogs in Quicksand, Inbred Rednecks and Super Badass.
The Gist of Cornman…Toxic waste in a cornfield. Cornman gets splashed and become gets the ability to communicate with corn.
The Players…
Butter boy…Cornmans sidekick.
Dr Hoe…The bad guy…He has a hoe as his right hand.
Waxy…Dr Hoe’s henchwoman…She decapitates people with her thighs.
Cornsparagus…Dr Hoe’s monstrosity.
Dr Hoe’s minions…these are the only smart people in the movie. They wear kerchiefs around their faces so you can’t recognize them.
The lead actor changes in the middle. I couldn’t determine if it was a plot device or the first actor just got tired of this drivel.
It’s actually fun to watch.
I can’t wait for the rest of the movies! actually gets rated!
You have any to add?