They need to kill Ken (sooner rather than later). He’s going to blow their cover. He can’t even function in the Traveller world! Also does anyone else think it was a little hard to believe that an expensive prep school like Rosemere would just let him wander around the school? :dubious: We did get to see some nice mother/daughter bonding with Dahlia and DiDi. I was impressed that Dahlia was able to keep her cool until the ordeal was over; Wayne didn’t seem to have a clue what he was doing. Was Wayne telling the truth in the sauna (btw, it’s FX towels are for stitting on, not wearing ) ? Do Jesuits run orphanages? Next week looks like it’ll be real interesting.
“Interesting” is such a soft word. I was going to say “barnburner”.
I think the paralegal is starting to put things together. She’s asked one or two pointed questions and she knows how Wayne is actually doing this job - it’s to be seen whether she’ll use this information for blackmail or if she’ll decide to help the cause, but she’s not going to stay in the dark much longer.
I’m confused as to why Hugh gave Dahlia money. Sure, she’s got some dirt on him, but he has more on her. I love the scenes of them going back and forth together though - he’s SUCH a jerk, and she gives back as good as she gets.
I continue to be impressed by the character of Ginny. She really knows how to manipulate Dale. I kinda like that she’s a “bad guy” but has so much strength of character.
Looks like next week Wayne will strike some kind of deal with Dale. Should be interesting.
I wondered about that too, whether something was edited out. I’m thinking she gave back the $800 that she stole, and that Hugh gave it back to her.
What’s the significance of Dahlia giving the pills to the sales clerk? That she’s happy now and doesn’t need them?
I think that might be it. She has a job, a purpose. She seems to be a driven person. She used the pills to combat the boredom and the being away from Wayne all day.
I am so interested in Ginny’s character. Who is the father of her baby? Is she married? Why is she so interested in Earl? Is she related to him and Dale somehow? I’m beginning to think the reason she wants Ken married off the Didi, is because Earl actually chose Wayne over Dale to be leader and that would make her a relative of the ruling family.
That makes sense. She’s used to being actively involved in whatever con they’re running, not sitting on her ass all day. Wayne has a job, the kids have school, what does Dahlia have? She’s not housewife material. Of course quitting drugs won’t be that easy. Are all the Traveller customs on the show accurate? Or are they just making stuff up as they go along? It’s both, isn’t it? :smack:
I understood that to mean that Dahlia doesn’t need the pills because she’s replacing drug addiction with shopping addiction. The feeling she got from drugs, she is now getting from rampant consumerism.
So far I like The Riches juuust enough to keep watching. I think it hits a lot of the same notes as “Big Love” on HBO… and frankly “Big Love” hits them better.
I don’t think it’s that she’s happy, I think she just wants to get off the pills–remember how she was desperately asking Hugh how he got clean, so I doubt her mental state would have changed so dramatically in that hour or so that she’s now blissfully happy. She just made a decision that she’s going to stop, so she gave the pills away. We’ll see how well that sticks.
I think Hugh gave her the money because he doesn’t want her to tell Wayne that he tried to get in her pants. He thought at first that he could bully her, but realized that she can give as good as she gets, plus he needs Wayne/Doug to handle his messes, so he wouldn’t want to piss him off.
Ken said something about being at Ginny’s wedding, so it seems she’s married, but I’m not sure we’ve ever seen her husband. Maybe he’s dead or otherwise out of the picture; that would explain why she wants so badly to ally herself with the Malloys, if she’s on her own with a baby on the way. Earl seems to have been a very wealthy and powerful patriarch, and I think that’s why she wants to marry Ken to DiDi, so they’ll be part of that clan (I seem to recall her saying something to that effect in a previous episode).
Ginny is like a smarter and (only slightly) more evil Joy from My Name is Earl. You know those two would get along.
Yes, but! His whispered conversation with her seemed to indicate that he was going to hold her drug problem over her head, to get her to stay and work for him. I’d accept that the cash could be buying her silence on the matter of his advances, but why would he need to?
Yeah, that whole scene felt like a lot had been cut out. I’m not sure why he gave her the money. I’d think him keeping her secret about the pills and her not bringing up his advances would make them even.
It’s not about being even. It’s about being ahead. I thought it was a brilliant strategy. She’s now beholden to him.
I also agree that Audrey, the paralegal, is going to figure it out. Doug tipped her to the research methodology – find the dirt, look for name changes – and stupid Ken can’t keep his story straight about who everyone is.
A minor, minor nit: the one-armed woman’s lawyer was an idiot. A ten year old felony conviction? Never coming in at trial. So that’s not a threat at all, because the jury will never hear it. The fact that the lawyer seemed all taken aback and uncertain indicates she’s just plain ignorant. Or the writers are. Whatever. But that pulled me out a bit. If they’re going to have Wayne fake being a lawyer, for the love of all that’s holy, please hire a legal consultant. There’s gotta be some former Law & Order writer looking to move onto new characters!
You’re probably right. But it sounded like the one-armed woman was still shoplifting. She admitted she stole the jacket she was wearing.
Worse than the shoplifting though was the way she responded to Wayne, with all those flimsy excuses for bad behavior. “It was my first divorce!” She wouldn’t have been a very sympathetic plaintiff.
This, plus the previews for next week’s show, have me speculating about something that, if not handled right, could screw this show up really badly. The previews show the Malloys at Earl’s funeral and interacting with the Travellers and DiDi marrying Ken (boy, do I hope THAT wedding is interrupted). And we know from this week’s episode that Earl had chosen Wayne to take over the family, and this information dioesn’t seem to be a secret, if Earl’s wife, Dale and Ginny all know it. Soooo… other than Dale being a physical threat for vengeful purposes, what’s to stop Wayne and family from going back to the Travellers and Wayne stepping into the role that he was expected to fill anyway?
It doesn’t really make sense for Ginny to ally herself with the Malloys through Ken marrying DiDi either - if Wayne is, for all intents and purposes, exiled, Ginny can’t gain anything from her association with them. The only thing I can really think is just that it’s a way for her to be relieved of the responsibility of her dimwitted brother.
We haven’t really been given a sense of where the Malloy family fits into the larger Traveller society; it seemed to me that they ran because there wasn’t a way to get out of the marriage contract–that was arranged when Ken and DiDi were much younger, or maybe Earl did that and Wayne and Dahlia weren’t given a choice? (Did anybody catch the reruns last Friday? My memory is a little fuzzy on some of the details.) Wayne is obviously afraid of Dale, and of what-his-name the other Traveller he beat up after they left, so that alone could account for wanting to stay hidden–Dale obviously isn’t above killing his own father to take control, so it seems there’s very good reason to fear him. I wonder if Wayne even knows he’s the heir apparent; it seemed like he hadn’t been in the camp while Dahlia was in jail, my recollection is that the whole marriage thing came as a surprise to him.
What about Hugh from Panco? He mentioned being one of twelve children from a dirt-poor family. I almost expected to find out that he was also a former Traveller.
Eh, if he’s from Louisiana I am not surprised. You find a lot of big poor families out that way (well, everywhere, actually) who are not Travellers.