The RNC Considered as a Rocky and Bullwinkle Episode

Not far from Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, the Pottsylvanian National Convention is meeting. Mr. Big (Dick Cheney) has decided that Boris Bushanov has blundered one too many times. Boris and Natasha Fatale (Anne Coulter) have been exiled from Minnesota. In his place, Mr. Big has chosen Naval Officer Wrong Way McCain. In a clever ruse, Mr. Big tells McCain to pick Olympia Snowe for VP, and he of course winds up in Alaska.

Meanwhile our heroes have been lured to the convention center by being promised a year’s supply of white bread and American cheese. But as soon as they enter Sarah Palin (Tina Fey) yells “moose!”, grabs her rifle and takes aim.

Is this the end of Bullwinkle? Tune in for our next exciting episode

Bull Moose Ticket


The Shooting Party

No, no, it’s a downhill motor race.

Actually, it’s a helix of semi-precious stones.

Actually, an uphill bicycle race to give the inspiration for that piece.


Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a vice presidential nominee out of my hat!

But that trick never works!

That trick NEVER works!

This time for sure!

No no, it’s a political thread in Cafe Society. :rolleyes:

Wrong orifice.:smiley: