The Simpsons did it (called President Trump... 16 years ago)

Wow, this is spooky.

Bloom County did it first.

Well, they also “predicted” that Lisa would be the first (non gay) female president and that Fox would become a hardcore porn network by 2012.

In other words, their track record is not so hot.

Yes and no. They did mention President Trump back in 2000 but he had been talking about running before that. They didn’t just pull the name out of thin air. Also the meme that is going around with Trump on the escalator? That was from something that the Simpsons did last year. It looks exactly like the real life scene because it was copying it not predicting it.

I was thinking more Idiocracy myself.

Oh, I dunno: Since Hillary didn’t win, Lisa’s still got a shot at the former.

Well something has to change first. She’s been 8 years old for the last 28 years.

President Elect Comacho!

I have been searching for a date for this online article, but it looks like Michael Moore also called it awhile ago.

No shit! That movie was a documentary.

There was an early Bones ep where Temperance was talking about running for President and they brought up Trump wanting to run, too. They (Bones and Booth) both laughed at the idea.