the Simpsons season 17 finale 5/21 (spoilers)

Tonight 8:00pm.

Here’s hoping for an appropriate end to the best season in several years.

The season finale and they couldn’t even think of a new couch gag? At least they pickied this season’s funniest to re-use.

Was that opening sequence, in which the furniture rises up and attacks the humans, a repeat? It looked really familiar to me.

The couch gag was a repeat.

“We’ve been through more hardships than the Jews anc Charlie Brown put together!”

“And I say a monkey can mow our lawn!”

“Llike I always say- compromise is the key.”
I always say that.”
“Let’s compromise and say nobody said it.”

The cast of Hunch, seen during the show’s closing credits:
Hunch: Tony Huncharella
Written by: J.D. Salinger
Gloria Huncharella: Gwyneth Paltrow
City of New York: City of Lethbridge, Alberta
Bystander #2: Sir Anthony Hopkins
Furious Bowler: The Late George C. Scott
Guy Who Turned Out To Be That Other Guy: Heidi Klum

That was the best gag in the episode.

To me it was a mixed bag - It was weaker than some of the others this season, and it suffered because it was a “guest star” episode. There were good moments, but the main story line was not that funny.

Its weak parts were magnified because they showed a couple of stronger episodes before it, particularly the multiple flashback cave frame tale.

Anything that keeps Mandy Moore emplyued is alright with me. :slight_smile:

Sorry, that should be “employed”.

“City of New York: City of Lethbridge, Alberta”

That cracked me up the most of those… but that’s just because I’ve been to Lethbridge…

My favorite gag was Bart’s burgeoning sexual interest. Especially when the Mandy Moore character did the pole dance on the lamp “to polish it”

Yet another testament to the skill of Alf Clausen is the fact that the two Tabitha Vixx songs that appear in this episode actually sound like songs that Britney Spears would sing.

I liked his line about wanting to give her $5 and I liked her doing that dance, but the “cancel my appointments” gag bothered me. That’s the kind of no-effort one-liner you could see on any old sitcom, and there’s a reason I watch The Simpsons instead of those shows.

Was that supposed to be Mandy Moore? I was thinking more towards Kris and Anna Benson myself. Doesn’t help that although I’ve heard the name Mandy Moore associated with the entertainment industry, I couldn’t pick her out of a line-up of other porn…er, I mean pop…stars, nor could I identify anything she has ever done.

The character was voiced by Mandy Moore, but the couple had to be based on the Bensons.

Moore did the voice of the character who was like a weird Xtina Aguilera type pop star.

I had no idea who the Bensons were until you just said it. It appears to me that they are a combination of Chris and Anna Benson and Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. Tabitha Vixx is obviously supposed to be Britney Spears (same style of music, suggestive dancing), and there was even a joke about why she didn’t marry one of her backup dancers.

Are you guys sure the couch gag is a repeat?

I do remember another couch gag where the couch just chases the family off the screen.

But the one the other night took it about three steps further.


Yeah, this was the same couch gag.

I missed the chalkboard gag. What was it?

The chalkboard was “Have a great summer, everybody.”


Best line: “Baby, I’m whacking this one for you!”