I used to own a book called ‘The Slanguage of Sex’. Used to. Now I can’t find the damned dog-eared thing, so I thought you might like to join me in creating our very own right here, right now? I’ll begin with this entrant (God’s honest, this is an actual word… I’m think of changing my iD) :-
Gowhunk - One who indulges in the act of sniffing vacated women’s bicycle seats
Poony poony.
Poony poony poony.
Poony poony poony poony.
This is a special poem, about poonies. I enjoy spelunking in poonies. I enjoy dining out at my local poonies. Traveling to explor forign poonies has always been great fun, and quite rewarding. But home-grown poony is always nice, if not exotic. I never turn down a nice helping of poony-juice. Who doesn’t like petting a poony?