The song "Hey Ya" can officially suck my dick

If I can go 6 fucking nanoseconds without hearing this piece of shit I consider myself lucky. From radio to movie ads to TV show promos…

I’d say it’s achieving the “Who Let the Dogs Out” level of suckass offensiveness, but I’d only be fooling myself.

Everyone who likes and perpetuates this song must kill themselves.

Heyyy Yaaa
Hey Ya

I love this song! My wife bought the single yesterday (CD singles?!? Didn’t know they still exist) and of course the Snoopy animation to it is wonderful.

So how should I kill myself, oh master?

Jealous, arntcha?

Heeeeyyy yaaaa…

<shakes it>

<shakes it like a Polaroid picture>

I like it. I’ve got it.

“Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa… (I’m just being honest OHH OH, I’m just being honest)”

Fellas, you know what’s cooler than being cool?


Sorry to contribute to the ruination of your thread, but considering how much I bitch about there being no quality music on the radio, I’m not going to complain when an amazingly catchy song from an amazingly talented artist like Outkast gets big. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy ya. Hey ya.

Hijack (well, additional hijack, anyway) - first time I heard the song, it sounded very familiar. Is is a cover? Is it sampled? Or is it one of those classic songs that just sound familiar, like you’ve always known them?

I felt the same way the first time I heard it. It reminds me a bit of early Prince.
In terms of over exposure, Hey Ya is teetering on the edge.
But that’s not Outkast’s fault.

Should I be embarrassed that I don’t know what song you’re talking about?

Don’t listen to radio very much and usually don’t pay attention to commercials.

I’m suprised Happy Valentine’s Day isn’t being played ever ten seconds.

I love the whole album, but Hey Ya does get played a lot, so * Mr. Sarcasticus lend me some sugar. I am your neighbor!*

Naaw, I love this song.

Sorry Mr Sarcasticus, it’s gonna stick around for a while. You’ll be hearing this in 20 years time.

I’m… I’m… I’m just being honest!

I love it too. In fact, I’m gonna put it on now and dance around! :slight_smile:

I have never heard this song, and it’s driving my wife crazy, since she’ had it stuck in her head for about a week.

Man I hate that song.

They use a chord progression that while not terribly common has been used before. If you can play a musical instument it’s G-C-D-E. Over and over and over and. . .




I used to like the song–for about a week–now I can’t stand it.


When something officially sucks your dick, does it get some sort of certificate?

All right all right all right all right all right all right all right…
(I admit this song is very overplayed, but I still like it and I like Outkast. At least they are different.)