The Special Snowflake Thread

Kim Davis.
Or is she more evangelically fascist anti-LGBT?
Much difference?

This. He and they love to insult, accuse, threaten, talk shit, call names. But let them be the target, and they lose their shit completely.


I am going to like this forum.

Seriously? This is what you open a “snowflake” thread with? A bill, roundly criticized and quickly killed, introduced over 2 years ago by a Republican legislator while he was running for congress in a district that included UI? You have a very “special” idea of what a snowflake is.

Well, I guess the OP wanted to discuss snowflakes in general and just used the Stanford/Iowa thing as a good example of responding to hurt feelings. And then we cleared up what I thought was a differentiation of who was a snowflake.
I’m still not sure about Republicans, or even conservatives, as snowflakes. Now, the Trumper Party, they are the snowflakes on that side. Trump is so psychotic it is almost unfair to lump him in with the snowflakes.

For future reference, I still classify Republicans and Democrats as I knew them 1950-1980 when they were willing to compromise and got things done. The parties of today ain’t what they used to be. For example, this dumb snowflake knows nothing about Democrats … Ocasio-Cortez Praises Venezuela For Making Everyone A Millionaire Through Hyperinflation | Babylon Bee

You happen to have a link that is not to a parody/satire site?

I know I posted this at the time in some thread, but it’s also appropriate here, especially since it was right after the election and Trump supporters were crowing and calling out anti-Trumpers as sore losers and snowflakes.

Trump: Pence ‘harassed’ by ‘Hamilton’ cast:

[My bold]

The cognitive dissonance and psychological projection of Trump and his supporters is quite amazing.

Where is this happening on a mass scale? I spend a lot of time with college students and NONE of them have ever done this. My university has declared there to be no “safe spaces” as have others. I think this whole issue is WAY overblown by people who resent institutions of higher education.

Besides, I made that joke about hyperinflation and millionaires more than thirty years ago. Either it hasn’t aged well, or my Music History professor was REALLY a lenient grader.

It’s similar to “political correctness” in that the biggest complainers about the issue are also the biggest offenders.

Bingo. It’s hyped up by right-wing media to divert attention away from actual news. And it’s not even novel at this point. They’ve been griping about college students since at least the 60s.

The right can start complaining about free speech on college campuses when left-wingers start running for office on a platform of using the military to purge colleges of right-wing students.

Apparently, you’ve been here since 2002.

Strange indeed. Joined in 2002, and all SIX posts since then have been in the last two days.

Hmmm. :dubious:

I apologies, guys. I have been a fan of Straight Dope since 1983 or so since my cousin turned me onto the Chicago Reader. I have the SD first book. I was excited by this innerweb thingy and signed up for this forum and forgot about it when I got in to motorcycle forums. But here I am now, turn 70 on Thursday, Jewish, Harley Davidson, tattoo, ear stud, grey beard, retired pharmacist, and went to Purdue when Newsweek magazine called it a hotbed of rest, and now live in Raleigh NC. Any other thing you need to know about me?

Why did you post this explanation here in THIS thread instead of the one where I brought up your name as a possible troll? That in itself is curious…

I saw this one first. Then I posted there.

He might not be into reading omnibus threads that have been going on for two years before he returned to the Board. His explanation strikes me as adequate; none of the details seem outlandish, and I, for one, am prepared to take him at his word.

Welcome back, old-timer! :slight_smile:

That. Cmon, he’s weird, not an idiot.

thank ya, thank ya very much.

And I still use the plural “formulae”. Our time has passed, my friend.