The Special Snowflake Thread

Where do you stand on tipping, declawing cats, and planes on treadmills?

it depends on who they are

Welcome back!

Pretty much. It happened 2 years ago, but it was classic (and I just heard about it tbh). Wahhhh!!! My team lost and their band made fun of my state. I will now take up time in my state legislature with bullshit legislation because the Stanford Band is EVIL. There aren’t enough rolleyes for that one.

I was hoping for some more snowflake stories, but a discussion of the term snowflakes is also good.

Watch out where the Husky’s go.

Like many other things, timestamps are confusing to our cadre of self-appointed troll hunters. Welcome back!

For a team agnostic one:
Micheal Jordan and his peculiar Hall of Fame induction speech.

I’ll substitute “jerk” for that other word that’s predominated this thread.

ETA: word

Thanks for putting THAT image in my head.

A tip of the hat to the one poster contributing to the original purpose of the thread.

For those who don’t remember, Christopher Cantwell is known as the Crying Nazi of Charlottesville march fame.

In looking him up, I discovered that he pleaded guilty to using pepper spray at the march/demonstration/riot. He claimed in the VICE documentary that he’d been sprayed by “Communists” - twice. Check wind direction first next time, bitch.

Heh, heh.

Which covers a lot of us. :stuck_out_tongue:

Snowflake alert!

“This guy hurts my feelings because he won’t stand for the national anthem. Now I’m going to boycott the company that puts him in an ad.”

Not just boycott, but actually destroy the clothes that you’ve already paid for and given the money to the company.

Kudos to Nike. I admire this campaign.

And now I wonder if I’m not being hypocritical. If there were a well-known athlete who kneeled during the anthem to publicize, say, his open opposition to gay marriage, and Nike put him in a campaign championing his courage, I’d be tempted to boycott, too.

It’s only hypocritical if you believe the right of gay people to marry is similar to the right of cops to shoot unarmed black men.

People aren’t pissed at Kaepernick for opposing police violence against blacks, they’re pissed at him for using the anthem as his means of protest. I don’t think he’d be nearly as polarizing if he’d confined his support for BLM to social media – and he’d still likely be on an NFL roster.

But you’re right – support for BLM and opposition to gay marriage are not moral equivalents by a long shot.

Yes, what you posted then, is still in full effect. A great example is that scumbag who became known as “the crying Nazi”. A perfect example.

Or those hate filled “fuck you I will fuck shit up for spite” base of his, crying that the LIBTARDS and the JOOZ are being mean to them.

… and threatening to “regulate” the “fake news media” and the “unfair Google search engine”.

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Reminds me of the days being a snowflake only meant you were unique. How exceptional of you to post for that purpose.