The Special Snowflake Thread

I am a snowflake. :frowning:

Even if they were equivalent, I wouldn’t see it as hypocritical. There’s nothing wrong with being upset about something you think is morally wrong and not being upset about something you think is morally right.

I would only see it as hypocritical if you tried to argue that Nike should not have been allowed to do it in one case but allowed to do so in the other.

What’s wrong with that? You can boycott anyone supporting policies you dissapprove of, that’s fine. And you can tell people, too.

Taking a knee has always been a sign of respect. What happened recently to change that?


Black men did it?

It’s ok. You’re our snowflake.

If someone from the other side mocks you, don’t be “hurt” , just get revenge.

In 1988, when Michigan State University was going to the Rose Bowl, a columnist in a California paper said something about how “we’ll give those Michigan farmers a lesson”

So a local DJ in Lansing got the phone number of the paper and put it out on the air, encouraging folks to give 'em a call. The phone lines got WAY tied up, until someone from the paper called, said they were sorry, now will you please call off your dogs?

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Mike Pence going to a football game just so he can leave in a huff.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders going to the correspondents dinner just so she can leave in a huff.

Pence was classic.

What do we do to get trump to leave in a huff?

Maybe even in a minute and a huff.

Stick him in a library

A word of advice to my Republicans friends . If you feel compelled to burn NIKE footwear, please remove it from your feet first. Wouldn’t wish to see anybody hurt.

In some few specific instances, I have to disagree, and I would find it very entertaining.

The idea of a unique and special snowflake reminds me of the classic hippies.

Every single one of whom was a rebel. They marched to their own beat, wore their own clothing which made a statement of their uniqueness and solitary artistic space.

Except, of course, that a few million people on the planet all became that kind of hippy by dressing the same, acting the same, listening to the same tunes and generally becoming a tribe.

A self-identifying tribe of snowflakes.


Think there’d be a market for orange snowflake Christmas tree ornaments? Would producing them be pandering to trolls?


A teacher who forced black middle school students to lie on the floor while she stepped on their backs is suing for all the moneys because she was reverse-discriminated against.

From an article in February: