The Tars Tarkas Show!

Where we regularly don’t discuss things in logical order, or even stay on topic!

Come up with intros, theme music, show subjects or skits, people to interview, ad blurbs to get people to turn to it…
On tonight’s show, we have as a celebrity guest, Madonna.

The one who birthed Christ, not the singing tramp.

She’s got a new film out, and has a new record release with Stevie Nicks.

[take it from here…]

Wait, my show has started? What the-?! ::runs onstage::

HiHowYaDoingWelcomeToTheShowAndAllWithTheStuffAndElephants! Whew…

::Applause sign, shot off audience looking mean and crossed armed::

Hey, great crowd and stuff! Do we have time for the guy in a bear suit to maul Judge Lance Ito?

…who covered the Dixie Chicks’ popular song “Landmine” 2 decades ago in protest of…

protest of opossum shaving by libertarians! But the Libertarians countered by…

…lots and lots of marshmellows…

…in a VW bus!

audience explodes…in applause! yay! I didn’t mean they blew up, that would be gross
"And now, over to the mud-wrestling tank, where our competitors today are…

Sheena, Queen of the jungle, and Cher! Cher starts off with a half nelson…

…Rockefeller, a seafood delight that uses no bivalves to get that creamy goodness so often overlooked when…

Sheila E (the musical person for the show) pipes up ( yes, I mean crack) and falls over, apparantly dead. This frightens the…

Puppeteer for Elmo, who lives in the crawlspace beneath the band, and is in the middle of a plot to destroy…

Shakira. Tonight’s show is brought to you by…

A large woman with no feet who likes to laugh. And chews Wrigley’s™ chewing gum for it’s regenerative properties.

And by…

Brach’s brand Gummy Mummies, for all your Gummy Mummy needs, get Gummy Mummies! Now with less…


(cue sitars)


What the? Bibby Shankar has exploded! it must be…

And now for our Middle 8 List

Things that you eat when no one else is looking

number 15: nachos

number 14: stuff I pick up off the floor

(Hey, wait a minute – according to the Enterprise “First Flight” thread, Tars was supposed to do this show entirely with action figures! Where are the action figures? I want to see action figures!)

number 13: GI Joe

number pi: Mego Spiderman!

number 11: A Tellarite, complete with authentic make-up.
