The *Thank you* thread.


In my six plus months here, I’ve asked for advice/help in GQ regarding such topics as:beer,HTML,gift ideas, andpower saws.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who weighed in with ideas and advice. Especially,
[li]Estragon, CnoteChris, Olentzero. I still owe you a beer (not Weinhardt’s).[/li][li]London_Calling. I bought the Osborne book you recommended; it’s super.[/li][li]AWB. I checked out the HTML website you recommended; it looks very helpful. (I also looked at your website for ideas and your daughter is beautiful.)[/li][li]Nancyfish. You were right; there were very few gifts. However, Mrs. Spritle and I got her a religious themed picture frame, which she loved very much.[/li][li]JohnTConklin. Your insight into power saws was super helpful. I ended up getting a Delta 12” CMS. I am VERY happy with it.[/li][/ul]
For the rest of you, you may let this thread die off and waste away in obscurity or feel free to use this space to thank other dopers collectively or individually.

Thanks again,

Thanks, LunaSea, for calling me a “big sweetie” after what I think was my like 3rd or 4th post.

I used it in my sig for a long time but finally got worried that it might be interpreted as being too creepy and/or self-congratulatory, so I switched off to something else.

But it was a big ego-boost.

Thank you, Euty, for your kindness.

Thanks to various female and male dopers for giving me the occasional “I don’t look that bad” rush.

And to the DC/MD/VA dopers for tolerating me for upwards of ten months so far.

I’d like to thank everyone here that makes me laugh.

Because I have a short attention span I can only remember the last big laugh I had.

Thanks to Spoofe Bo Diddly for the link in the Stop it thread yesterday I was laughing all day.

thanks to Scylla for making me laugh (goats have never been the same)

thanks to Spoofe Bo Diddly for giving such good advice

thanks to SofaKing for giving the best advice

[sub]Shameless bump so our friends across the globe might see this. [/sub]

I just want to thank someone here for giving me life. You know who you are.

This thread makes me feel all warm and squishy.

I’d like to thank… well, everybody! You can see I’m quite new, but I enjoy these boards very much. I am often in awe of the knowledge, wit, and good-naturedness of practically everyone who posts here. And those who lurk at least have good taste.

I suspect that as more time passes and I get more comfortable here, I’ll become rather nonchalant as to whether anyone answers questions that I ask, or responds to threads that I start, or agrees with opinions I choose to share. I’ll take the enlightenment, wisdom, and affability that I regularly find on these boards for granted.

But as a newbie, any such exchanges are still so special. And this is a great opportunity to thank some of you who helped me get my feet wet in my first 100 posts.

Cervaise, Colibri, frobozz, Gunslinger, Kallessa, obfusciatrist, Philistine, pldennison, Podkayne, SpoilerVirgin, and Spoons: thanks for providing either answers to specific questions that I asked, or bonus information on interests that I mentioned.

mobo85, Nymysys, and scratch1300: thanks for “getting” whatever humor I was going for in threads that I started, before they turned “serious” in one way or another. (If I ever get a rep on these boards, it won’t be for being serious, this post notwithstanding.)

poohpah chalupa: thanks for being the only one who responded to my “Highlights” thread, which I thought could be a lot of fun. Instead, it blew up on the launchpad, but I really enjoyed your lone reply.

Venkman: thanks for authoring my single favorite post (about a 3-holed potato), in my single favorite thread (Stupid Things You Ended Up Pondering All Day). jarbabyj, thanks for starting that thread, and for so many, many other laughs your writing has given me in the time that I have spent here.

And thanks to the mods for their talents, their patience, and their good humor.

If you see that I’ve mentioned your name, you probably don’t have any idea what I’m talking about. In most cases, it’s just because you spent a few minutes composing a bit of text now lost somewhere in a sea of chatter. Don’t bother going back and checking, it’s not worth it. But it meant a lot to me at the time. It still does.

Spritle, thank you for starting this thread.

To the three unnamed beautiful ladies who have endured my whining about my sad, lonely life. Only one of you comes here, and you know know who you are. Thanks a lot :).

D’oh! When I began my post above, I didn’t intend to for it to be a complete list of everyone who has made me feel welcome. That would be impossible, really. But I would like to make a point of adding two more, again simply for being there when I had questions to ask and interests to share. My thank you list should also include Fenris and Scarlett67.

Euty, Scotti, evilbeth, and dantheman:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you Speaker, for mentioning me and always being willing to flirt!!!

Thanks Upham, Mauvaise, Totoro, Ad Noctum, Dire Wolf, Osip, and iampunha for all the wonderful conversations!

A special thanks to all the BamaDopers: Ogre, SilkyThreat, Simetra, etc. for the good times…special thanks to Silky for being my SDMB Mom!

Thanks to N0sfura2 for being my best friend IRL.

And a huge thank-you to TheNerd, my absolute best friend from the boards. He and I have “wasted” many an hour in conversation and debate and psych-sessions.

I would like to first thank my two best friends from the board who have helped me so much IRL with everything:

True Pisces…your name should be True Friend :slight_smile: Ever since we started emailing each other you have been a source of wisdom and support. And a huge thank you for helping me see things in a different light when I was too emotionally blinded to see things clearly. And for not telling me to shut up already when I’m obsessing…

{{{{{True Pisces}}}}}}

Blur…why don’t you post more,you jabroni? ::d&r:: That aside, thanks for your support and listening to me vent about youknowwho. Thanks for all the talks about wrestling-most guys think it’s odd when a girl is into wrestling as much as I am. One of these days we HAVE to have the website we talked about-and I can promise you we’re not the only ones who think this way:) Thanks for the games we play-always puts a smile on my face. And if we do meet IRL,I expect you to do the Triple H intro for me…and if you do it good…I’ll sing you your favorite Journey song :slight_smile:
And to Verrain,Dublos,Rysdad,Fiver and Falcon…thanks for the kind emails:) Fiver, can I quote yours in my sig? The part about “hardygrrl,you ROCK”?

Spider Woman

Each and every person who posted to the threads about my grandmother and uncle
Each and every person who I should have thanked but forgot :wink:

Almost forgot…


Too bad you don’t book for the WWF…I love that idea you had for the hardygrrl/Jeff Hardy TLC match-not tables,ladderschairs but Tanya Loves whipped Cream :slight_smile: meow kitty kitty :slight_smile:

Thank you to everyone who makes this board what it is – a wonderful, thought-provoking, hilarious, touching, scintillating cyber companion, which I turn to frequently in the dark depths of the night.

You are all, without exception, fantastic people. It is a pleasure and an honour to be with you.

I want to thank the most incredible man in the world for giving me something to hope for and dream about everyday.

Thank you for always being there for me and for always loving me.

I love you, baby.

ah, evilbeth, you’re making me blush!!! :wink:
OK, its not me she’s talking about :slight_smile:

All Y’all know who you are. All Y’all.

I’d like to thank all the little people for making this possible. I’d also like to thank the big people - that is, the people who are big in my heart, like Persephone, TruePisces, Falcon, Arden Ranger, Tequila Mockingbird (where is she??), and Medea’s Child.