The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

Wouldn’t the more felicitous term be “expelled?”

Under Individual 1’s definition of birthright citizenship, Kamala Harris would not be eligible to be VP.


It seems that yet another of the ‘very best’ has found themselves left on the side of the road, hoping someone will ignore her wild eyes and bad smell to give her a lift back home.

If Biden wins Georgia three times, does he get 48 EV? Asking for a friend…

I don’t know. Even the stupidest follower of Dear Leader must realize that once he’s gone, they have no legal cover whatsoever. If they act, it has to be when they think they can get away with it in the end. Without the pardon power out there, they are fucked if they resort to war/terrorism.

Oh, who am I fooling? OF COURSE they are stupid enough to do it anyway.

I was all set to issue a demerit for using the word realize in this context, but then you immediately rescued yourself:


‘Remove Republic from Republican’

This came out today from the Lincoln Project. I’m in Canada and don’t watch much TV anyway, so am curious to know if this ad is airing in the US or is it just for the record.

I call them Publicans, as in tax collectors. They are for the middle class in that function.

I am curious why they show an overlay of a lizard on the last several guys near the end of the video. Just trying to say they are slimy? That is kind of weird especially knowing that the Q people think Democrats are lizard people.

Those looked like snakes to me.

Ah. Ok. That makes more sense. :grinning:

Or, they own or manage a pub?

I would seriously love to see Stacey Abrams run this play. “People are saying that Trump can still win Georgia if his name is written in. I don’t think people should do this, as Joe Biden clearly has more votes by every current count.”

Check out today’s headline in the Detroit Metro Times

Wow! WTG! I would love to see that headline in the NYTimes or WaPo. You know they’d love to run it, too.

Not just the headline. The article lays out good points for charging Trump and, I assume, the shitheels who enabled him.

This is interesting

Trump didn’t have to ask for their help; they freely offered it.

Early in Trump’s administration, when the focus was on immigrants, I read of several instances where they confiscated the passports of American citizens trying to reenter the country, and forced them to prove they were born in the US. Totally aimed at American citizens with Hispanic heritage. IIRC Trump claimed many were based on faked affidavits of birthplace or something like that. The questions to prove citizenship were impossible, e.g. “Do you remember being born?” I have never heard any more about this & have wondered about the outcome – surely some group fought this and stopped it. But it was mixed in with so many other sleazy moves against immigrants, and American citizens with Hispanic last names, maybe not.