I’ve lost a few pounds (35 to be exact-- and counting) and I knew that my health would improve, I’d feel better and people would say I look better if I shed a ton or two. But things I didn’t think of started happening. Things that I will call unexpected benefits. I like puttng positive spin on things.
[ul][li]It’s less hot.[/li]It’s been a brutal summer. Usually, when the temps and the humidity go anywhere near 90, I melt. This year I’ve been hot, but I have not felt the need to find a shady tree to lie prostrate under, strip naked and beg strangers to either pour ice water over me or kill me.
[li]I spend less on beer.[/li]Much more bang for the buck alcoholwise. The money I save on beer is all spent on the next unexpected benefit. . .
[li]Twice monthly clothes shopping sprees[/li]Well, I really hate shopping and it irks me to no end to buy something that looks like crap on me 3 weeks later, but I’ll still count it as unexpected benefits, 'cause it really does feel great to see those sizes drop.
[li]Less time wasted walking.[/li]I live in a walking-type city and I like to walk. The walk from the railroad to my house is a 15 minute one. Or it was. Now my kids can yell into each of my ears a whole 10 minutes earlier.
[li]I’m no longer refered to as “that huge fat bitch”.[/li]I’m just a regular fat bitch. I’m working my way to “Mrs. Bitch”.
I know there are some more of you out here like me, struggling with a weight problem. And I’ve read right here on this board all the fatty bashing that goes on. This is a feel-good thread-- just good thoughts and no bashing allowed-- I’m still a fat bitch and I’ll get you if you do!
Up until I broke my ankle earlier this summer in a motorcycle accident.
(It wasn’t all that serious - nothing else got injured except my male pride and the bike)
I suddenly discovered that a few things were contributing to my weight loss (i’ve dropped 75 pounds since May 21st - and I’ve still got a good 75-90 or so to go):
I was no longer able to stop at Starbucks every morning for the triple grande extra hot mocha
I was no longer able to stop at the pizza place every night for take-home slices
I was forced to eat just what was in the house, and that came from an online grocery delivery service, so I could be very careful about ordering just what was right and good for me.
The healing that my leg is doing takes a certain amount from the rest of me.
I get daily forced excercise from having to ambulate on crutches all the time (very nice upper body workout, that)
The bottom line is that I now fit in to clothes that I haven’t been able to fit in to in six years and assuming I can keep up with these changes after I’m back on both feet again, (or accelerate them, since I’ll be able to walk and ride a bicycle again) then I’ll still feel good a year from now and on from there.
Women have it hard with wieght and body image. To a lesser extent in some ways, but more in others, I deal with it through the gay male community that is so bent on the “perfect body image” that it’s very easy to cast someone like me aside without a second look.
I’m healthier now than I have been in years - ironic considering I’ve never been seriously injured before… My resting heart rate is where it’s supposed to be for my age, I have normal blood pressure and my cholesteral numbers are back down where they belong (oddly enough, they were never very high.)
So, I applaud you, Biggrl on your achievement. It’s something that I’ve fought all my life (I’m 41 now) and it’ll be something I’ll fight for the rest of my life. But maybe these forced lifestyle chanes have finally taught me a thing or two that I wouldn’t accept before.
“Be bitchy to Biggirl? It can’t be done!”
“Your only saying that because no one ever has.”
“What about the BOUS?”
“Bitches of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.”
::A humongous bitch rips Wesley a new asshole::
Mebbe I should break an ankle or something-- couldn’t be any harder than the plan I’m on now! What say you, TVGuy?
35 lbs- that’s impressive! A word of warning though- the temperature stuff works similarly in the winter. I’d never shivered in the winter until I lost 40 lbs a few years back! You’ll definitely feel colder in the winter!
I’ve been working on my own, and I do still have a way to go, one benefit I’ve noticed in just the last couple of weeks:
I can walk around campus without huffing and puffing my way around. Granted, I’ve only been walking around campus off and on since last Monday, but I know that before I had trouble walking up the hill to the train station from my old apartment. I just motivated myself all over campus this last Friday trying to learn my way around, and this is not a flat campus by any means.
I have noticed that I actually sweat now. Whether that’s because I avoided physical movement or whether it’s because my body is able to do a better job of regulating it’s temperature…well, I’m not sure. All I know is that I’m sweating a lot more now than I have in years.
You reminded me of a story bump. Me and a skinny friend were walking down the street one winter night and she tells me “I’m absolutely freezing!” and I say, “It’s not that cold.” and she answers, “Yea, easy for you to say. You’ve got that insulating layer of fat.”
So there are advantages to being fat!
Thanks Khadaji and Eggnog. You go jools and Lsura. And remember, you all are fabulous, every single pound of you!
I am not particularly overweight, although I do know that I could benefit from the loss of a few pounds (maybe 10-20). But I just can’t motivate myself. I can only imagine the overwhelming thought of trying to lose 35 or 40 or even more pounds…I applaud you all for your efforts to do so, and in your successes. Keep it up, you all ARE fabulous!
When I was about 12 I weighed quite a fair bit… it took a move to get out of this little town to the big city to get me to lose weight. In about 3 months I dropped a good 20-30 lbs and I felt much better. Right now I’m at the lightest I’ve ever been, it’s not really that light though because a lot of it is muscle. Whereas before I used to sit around doing nothing but reading and eating at home, I now get out more and do lots of walking. I need to get my bike fixed though so I can start riding it around. Of course I still do a lot of sitting around I just make sure I get out.
I’ve actually noticed another drop in my weight since moving out on my own. I need to go buy new jeans because the ones I bought after Christmas I can now slip off without even unbuttoning them!
[hijack]One thing that bugs me though, according to BMI (and yes I have talked with several people who do say it’s not really that accurate) I am bordering on the verge of obesity, but I am nowhere near overweight. I could stand to lose a few more pounds (about 5-10) but I’ve noticed, though I seem skinnier, it’s just the fat being replaced by muscle, which means my actual weight doesn’t change, just how big I actually look. As well I feel much better because I have muscles that are toned and can actually handle the job.
The best part of it is I can usually trick those fair guys who guess your weight into guessing me a good 30 lbs lighter.:D[/hijack]
Pick up a Tanita Body Fat scale. The upper and middle end models are quite accurate. I have had one for a while and like it (the numbers do not lie if I have been slacking off too much).
I’ve lost 24.6 since I joined Weight Watchers in June 2000. I went back up about 15 within the last year but lost it again and this time, for good, DAMMIT!
Another unexpected benefit:
Well, maybe not unexpected but I can’t believe how good it feels.
[ul]I fit comfortably into bus and airplane seats, with some room to maneuver![/ul]
Woo-hoo! Congrats to all. Inspiration for me to lose 10–20 pounds. Also . . . The magazine where I work has an article coming out in November about obesity, and it casually mentions my exact height and weight as being “overweight.” No more kiddin’ myself . . .