The Urinal Test

I got 5/6 which I guess means that I’m not in any danger of being gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Totally agree. One is way better than 4. If someone else comes in and uses stall 3, now you’re surrounded if you chose #4, vs. being “against the wall” (obviously better).

I got 4 of 6. So i should have gotten 5 of 6 because 1 should be the answer to #5. I also screwed up on #6–in real life I would use the crapper.

Is there any study that gay men really want to pee next to each other? I don’t want to pee next to a person, or crap next to someone (if a stall is taken I go to the bathroom downstairs to crap). But it has nothing to do with homophobia–If we had unisex bathrooms, I would feel the same way.

Nope, no study done. The truth is all gay men are perverts and want to check out other dudes’ junk though. (Not really, but I think that’s the idea that some men have.)

I got 5 out of 6. I correctly refused to answer question #6. I’m a macho genius!

My BF and I are both more into privacy than anything. In fact, we work out together at the same chain of gyms and will occasionally go to different locations to work out. However, if the gym doesn’t have shower stalls with curtains, we don’t go back. On the other hand, I have a couple gay friends and that’s the reason they do go to those locations. Diff’rent strokes. Literally. And I’d assume that that’s the urinal situation too.

Indeed. I always thought it was a little suspect when people would refuse to use a urinal right next to someone else. What are you afraid of?

I missed 5 and 6. I disagree with 5. I think it’s better to have a wall on one side, but their reasoning is apparently that it looks less gay to be seen as part of a group of three than to be seen as “paired.”

I also got the same 4/6 and the above is part of the reason I answered as I did. How could the last one be trickier if the same answer would work?

The other reason is that I’ve never seen the first stall set up where it’s actually in a corner unless there are only two. Since there shouldn’t be a partition on that side, you can create more space between you and the other person, and that is the next best thing you can do if you have to stand next to someone.

And the last one is crap because, if you don’t really have to go, you also would have avoided the situation in #5. And of course you wouldn’t wait around, assuming the stalls were full, you’d just go do something and leave for a bit. I’ve watched it happen.

Three asides:
It’s not any sillier that not wanting to stand right next to someone in an elevator. It’s not about being gay, it’s about personal space. Particularly personal space when you have a vulnerable part of yourself out.

I think the reason you take the furthest back is courtesy. With no other implications, it falls back to stall rules which say you take the one furthest from the entrance in case someone has an emergency. This same consideration would also allow you to pick #2 and avoid a corner, assuming the first person picked #6 and not #5, as you also maximize the number of usable stalls for everyone else following the rules.

Finally, there’s another reason I think it has to do with space. I’ve seen places with only two urinals, but they have a long enough divider and are far enough apart that no one seems to mind using both.

I missed 5, but got six, which makes me one of the unusual ones. I’m going to concur with the majority who believe the test is BS about 5, but for a different reason. I don’t want to sandwich the guy in the fifth spot. It’s always more nerve wracking when someone walks up next to you and to have someone on both sides is the worst. So out of empathy for the guy in the fifth urinal, I’ll go stand next to the wall rather than double-flank some other guy.


That’s not the issue, actually. The issue is that you have to avoid seeing each others’ junk, because if you do (see each others’ junk, even accidentally), it will turn both of you gay.


2/6 for this man, btw.

4 out of 6, and I agree with everyone else who says the answers to 5 and 6 are wrong.

Same here. I’d make a good man.