The US Response to the Pandemic Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster

Yeah, that. :flushed:

At that rate they better start sourcing caskets too.

2 rubber bands and a scrap of folded cloth will do until the fashion masks get there from Amazon. Google the CDC’s instructions. That’s what the reasonable part of the country did the last week of March.

The higher Canadian death rate may actually be due to UHC, with more people dying in hospitals after being diagnosed, whereas there appear to be higher rates of unreported COVID deaths in the US due to people who are sick but can’t afford to pay for testing or for medical care, and are never diagnosed.

And out a coffee filter in the folded cloth. That’s what we did before we got our real masks. Worked fine.

Some of them are so hellbent on not wearing a mouth covering they might cut a hole around the mouth…


And people are dying in their homes, instead of going to a hospital. They are getting counted post-mortem.

The problem is that in an effort to avoid taxes, the right wing message machine has convinced a large portion of the population any form of civic action, is communism and will lead to breadlines a gulags. So not only are they not encouraged to help their neighbor and sacrifice for the greater good, they are actually discouraged from doing so.

Yes of course, too little, too late, but Fuck Me! This asshole put a mak on. In public.

Are we sure that mask was sharpied in afterward?

The Presidential seal makes 'em extra anti-Covid!

How long before Trump puts a buck in his pocket selling them on the White House site?

Anything that means I don’t have to look at that grotesque facial noisemaking orifice, is fine with me.

He didn’t look anything like the Lone Ranger.

I can’t wait to see his answer to “Why did you decide to start wearing a mask?”

Would be better if the press corps could bite their tongue and not ask the question. On the basis it’s no big deal that El Prez is simply following advise of his subject matter experts.

What would be illuminating is the Trump response to the attention vacuum. Would he brag about masking up as being a leader setting an example, that he has become concerned for his own safety or if there was no publicity does he return to unmasked recalcitrance?

“It’s getting worse” is an understatement.

We are well and truly fucked.

If he’s still selling those ugly Chinese-made Trump-branded ties and whatever other cheap shit he was flogging after the Trump Steaks debacle, he’s already got a low-class junk merchandising channel going that appeals to the rubes. Maybe he can offer a mask and an ugly Chinese-made Trump tie as a package deal, and if you act now (operators are standing by) a free sample bottle of Clorox bleach, the all-purpose anti-viral medication. Also on special for a limited time, ultraviolet lights designed to stick up your ass and kill any viruses in there. The pandemic is as good as gone.

Do we get a choice of flavors?

I should ask a moderator to change the title to “has been an anti-mitigated disaster”, since the people at the top are working hard to make this work.

On the other hand, Trump wore a mask, like a big boy! He’s such a good boy! We’re all so proud of him.

Luckily, it wasn’t a tan mask, or Fox News would have been all over him.