The View Counter

How does the view counter for a thread tally? It doesn’t seem to be a simple as +1 per thread visit. Is each visiting logged-in member or guest only counted once? Once per sesion? How are lurkers counted?

I’m just curious to see how many individuals likely visited the huge LoTR thread.

All day long and no answer? I’m curious to know the answer to this one too.

Well… I’d respond, but I don’t know. Someone who does know will get here sooner or later.

I think it is +1 per view, it just doesn’t update very often. So if one person visits a thread each minute, it’ll stay at zero for an hour, and then all of a sudden it’ll say 60.

To the best of my knowledge, Chronos is correct.

It does increment one for each view . . . but the count is not always instantly updated. The system does get to it sooner or later.

Thanks all.