The Walking Dead; 3.06 "Hounded" (open spoilers)

Lori’s dead; dead-dead, not just undead, Michonne’s fled Woodbury, Andrea know’s about the zombie fights (not they were really a secret), and Rick’s getting phone calls.

Bodygram - heh.

9:25 p.m. - well. that was special.

Andrea and the Governor, sitting in a tree…

This episode seemed just a bit disjointed, although things kind of got tied together by Rick’s and the Governor’s goups inadvertently exchanging members. Also didn’t care much for the hallucinatory phone calls; hope that’s over with.

Based on descriptions of the comics I’ve read, I dread what may happen to Glenn and his girlfriend over the next couple of episodes.

I believer it was biter-gram.

I read that as a way of the writers snapping Rick out of two years worth of his ‘woe is me’ funk. After the final phone call, when Lori was on the other end, he seemed back to his original self, before he knew about her affair.

Also, it seems like we have Carol back.

Loved this episode! Michonne kicks ass.

Yay for that! It made sense too, that she was hiding in a part of the prison that hadn’t been cleared yet, and that she couldn’t get the door open. If she yelled for help, she’d just attract walkers. Do we know how much time has passed since all hell broke loose? Has it even been a day?

The Governor isn’t buying Merle’s story. A showdown between those two would be fun to watch.

I’ve figured out why I don’t like the actress who plays Andrea. She plays to the cameras, not to the other characters. Plus, I just don’t like Andrea’s character. Maybe it’s those bare-shoulder shirts, when the life she’s living calls for something more practical.

So I watched The Talking Dead for the first time*. Only because when I looked over at the TV I saw Sarah Silverman. Wow, I don’t think I’ll watch that again. I mean, the show was interesting enough, about the same as what I get from discussing it here, but it was like two minutes of discussion, then two minutes of commercials, then two minutes of discussion, then two minutes of commercials, then they come back and show a clip of of the show and go back to commercials. In the entire half hour show, I’ll bet there was less then 10 minutes of actual discussion between the host and the two panel members.

*Actually, I think I watched an episode a few years ago as well.

Damn. Michonne is pretty bad-ass. And Merle’s as twisted as ever. This episode was a little busy for my taste, but it certainly sets the stage for some interesting episodes to come.

Something I noticed that kind of bugs me: Glenn and Maggie go off to scavenge for baby food and ammo, two crucial supplies. It involves researching where they might likely find supplies, burning precious fuel to get there and back, and exposes them to obvious danger. They’re not just popping down to Food Lion to get a quart of milk, this is kind of a big deal. Yet they leave the store with a freaking basket of supplies. It seems every time they go on one of their famous supply runs they return with less stuff than I do after a typical trip to the grocery store, and I’m a single guy! They’re driving a huge SUV, why not just back it up to the door and start throwing cartloads of supplies into it? They might as well make it worth their trip.

I’m curious to see how the Governor’s relationship with Andrea pans out. They made it a point to show him in bed with that dark-haired young woman who showed Andrea and Michonne around on their first day. Perhaps she won’t be too happy to learn she’s been replaced? Maybe the Governor is trying to spread his seed as widely as possible in an effort to repopulate Woodbury?

When I was watching I thought to myself “Yeah right, she’s been locked in that block for weeks, what’s she been eating!?!” But you’re right, on second thought it appears that only a day or so at most has passed, and it may actually be less than a day. Certainly Merle and company would have been sent after Michonne right away rather than giving her a day or so head start. It’s rare to watch a show with a timeline that moves slower than the real world.

I’m also working through Downton Abbey right now, where months or even a year may pass between episodes. The pacing of these two shows is completely different!

Breaking Bad just finished up it’s 5th season and I think about 13 months or so have passed. But like The Walking Dead, no real clues have been given. You might catch a date on a calender in the background or notice that someone is still pregnant 3 years later, but they don’t make a big deal out of it.

ETA Clues was a bad word. Clues have been given, but they aren’t blatant about it. They don’t put the date at the bottom of the screen or anything like that. If you want to know how much time has passed, you have to be paying attention.


So, it’s taken me months. But I’ve finally watched every episode from the shows inception and I can FINALLY participate in the thread. Instead of reading it weeks/months after the show aired.

How the hell did Glenn and Maggie get taken prisoner by an old dude with one arm? An old dude with one arm that just got his ass kicked.

Both of them had weapons drawn and leveled at Merle. He goes for his gun and they take cover? Da Fuck? Why didn’t they just pull the trigger? Both of them. Repeatedly. Yeah yeah, draws walkers. But, they hop in the Suburban in beat feat while Merle bleeds out. I just had a real hard time accepting that.

A combination of not knowing he had a gun in his belt and really wanting to be able to trust him.

I think Glenn really wanted to be able to reconnect Darryl to him. He knows how much Darryl missed his brother. I don’t think he wanted to kill him and I really don’t think he wanted to have to tell him he was the one that did it.

Now that I think about it, it’s too bad they weren’t able to write in a way for Glenn to handcuff him to something while they went off to get Darryl.

Sorry, I have no clue what your problem may be.

Glenn isn’t really the killing type. Last season they made a point of showing him freezing during the shootout. In addition to that, when shit goes sideways that fast you’re bound to make mistakes and theirs was looking for cover instead of returning fire.

I guess from Glaggie’s POV, Merle has just been wandering the woods with a mangled limb. They don’t know the back story and how ruthless he’s become at Woodbury. And certainly don’t know that Merle is only interested in killing them all and pillaging the prison for resources.

It probably wasn’t until Merle had Maggie on the ground with a gun to her head that Glen understood.

But, then again. How does a one-handed guy that just got his ass handed to him over power a young well rested woman with a gun? I guess she’s not as combat trained, but she certainly has had some practice.

It just seems to me, they could have done it better. Maybe if Merle had 3 or 4 of his crew left that could have snuck up on Glaggie while Merle had their attention?

I’m really looking forward to seeing how the whole Prison Crew/Woodbury crew clash is going to play out.

