AskNott makes me think of that big crusty knot of string outside the pizza place in Maniac Magee.
JohnnyBravo makes me think of the cartoon character crossed with somebody I know named Johnny. So, the cartoon character, but with brown hair.
Darkhold makes me think of a big shadowy mountain range.
Ilsa_Lund makes me think of an androgynous Swedish person, mainly because I still mess up your gender half the time.
LadySybil makes me think of Sam Vimes’ wife, naturally.
I always envision Sock Munkey as an actual sock monkey, typing at a little computer with a big smile on his face.
I always imagined Mangetout’s name as being screeched by Dawn, the whiny kid sister from Buffy.
Spogga is vaguely yellow and froglike.
El_Kabong shows up in my mind as one of those fanged, laughing aliens from The Simpsons.
Sunglasses is the cool smiley, of course.
Fionn reminds me of Finn Mac Cool.
I like LifeOnWry even though I don’t like rye bread.
MaxCarnage makes me imagine the guy from Doom.
av8rmike shows up in my mind as avamike, so I think he’s associated with avabeth.
I think I got everybody already in the thread. A few others…
Eve is always typing on a typewriter in my imagination, and in a fancy Victorian library. I don’t know how I imagine the words get onto the internet.
Manhattan wears dark blue and grey.
jarbabyj is dressed like she walked off a Rocky Horror stage.
GingerOfTheNorth is dressed in a big white polar bear fur coat, like a glamorous Russian seductress in an old spy movie.
I imagine KellyM as an ash-blonde cheerleader.
Flamsterette_X wears a little red devil outfit with horns.
blowero is a can of Pabst.
elucidator wears a monocle.
Esprix looks like a young, slim Alan Rickman, with no hair for some reason.
Polycarp looks like a tall Victorian-style Santa Claus, but not fat.
MonkeyMule also looks like a sock monkey.
OpalCat is a woman in a sequinned masquerade mask.
I never really thought much about this. I’m an odd person, apparently.