The "What'dya think of me?" Thread!

The idea is simply to post in this thread about other posters. What do you think of me? When you see my Screenname what pops into your mind? Anything at all? What other posters do you like? Who stands out in your mind?
As more people post, what do you think of the posters ahead of you?

Personally, I like lissener. We both share a passion for film, and I immediately listen with respect when he starts talking about moves.
What do you think of me?:eek:

I think of Ingrid Bergman. Which must seem a little weird, as I recall you saying at one point that you are a guy.
Obviously you’re a big fan of Casablanca and willing to endure confusion about gender identity :D.


Ilsa_Lund makes me think of Ingrid Berman, too.

av8rmike is one of those user names I always have to read twice. First I think “avatar” and then I think, “No, wait…airplane guy.”

Max Carnage makes me think of Max Headroom - same concept, thus same face in my head.

I think of movie trivia and a cool, big-ass grandma car with an 8-track.

“You wore blue. The Germans wore gray.”

Actually, I think about the woman I used to live with in France, and how fed up she has gotten with me saying, “but we’ll always have Paris” every time we speak on the phone.

Too many to mention, really, although I will say that some of Satisfying Andy Licious’s peculiar threads have been making me laugh a lot lately.

JuanitaTech is the first name that pops into my mind. I make sure to read anything she’s posted to, if her name catches my eye. She seems to be sharp and a little scathing at times (In other words, she says the things I wish I had the guts to). And I just have to love someone who has good taste in clothes and accessories. :slight_smile:

Yes, I am a guy, but I do like Ingrid Bergman. Ilsa_Lund is actually my avatar for games like Timesplitters and Ghost Recon, ‘cause it’s so funny to think of Ingrid just a’ mowin 'em down.

av8rmike makes me think of Top Gun.:smiley:

Ilsa Makes me think of a German prison guard…sorry no offence meant
Max Makes me think of Homer Simpson “Max Power”
El Kabong A bomb
Sunglasses A chain gang guard.
Fionn A woman named Fiona

spogga makes me think of Satisfyong Andy Licious’ Sig Flattering thread, where quite the interesting sig was provided.

The first time i ever read Mangetout’s name I ran the letters together in my head and thought it was mange-something-or-other. or some french phrase.

I still don’t understand what you mean. :confused:

When I first saw your name, I thought it sais “Sucka Munkey.” :smiley:

Ilsa makes me think of Bond movies.
Sock munkey has a spiffy quote, and if I took his (or her) name literally, I imagine he (or she) would be quite cuddly.
Max Carnage makes me think of first person shooter games.
Spogga is just a cool-looking word. Wonder what it means?
Fionn reminds me of Ralph Fiennes (the name, not the person).

I know I don’t post much, but what do you guys think of me? :slight_smile:

You make me immediately think of Sybill Trelawney. “Tripe, Sybill?”

When I read Ilsa Lund, I think of a fisherman proudly patting his new boat. “It’s a Lund!”

Czarcasm brings an image of a despot being tossed into a canyon.

Picunurse? I think of a picador in a bullring, wearing a nurse’s uniform.

I don’t know you well. But I always look forward to reading your sig line and laughing.

Spogga - I think of a sponge, for some reason.

Sunglasses - I think of that stupid song, and a friend who made a point of wearing sunglasses at night.

Funny man, Funny…

I didn’t know where an appropriate place to post this was, until I saw this thread. Ryan_Liam, I think you are a nifty guy. You got off to a rough start, but have become a graceful and worthy contributor to these boards. I remember thinking that you wouldn’t make it, but you did, and I’m glad of it. We are richer for your presence.

AskNott makes me think of that big crusty knot of string outside the pizza place in Maniac Magee.

JohnnyBravo makes me think of the cartoon character crossed with somebody I know named Johnny. So, the cartoon character, but with brown hair.

Darkhold makes me think of a big shadowy mountain range.

Ilsa_Lund makes me think of an androgynous Swedish person, mainly because I still mess up your gender half the time.

LadySybil makes me think of Sam Vimes’ wife, naturally.

I always envision Sock Munkey as an actual sock monkey, typing at a little computer with a big smile on his face.

I always imagined Mangetout’s name as being screeched by Dawn, the whiny kid sister from Buffy.

Spogga is vaguely yellow and froglike.

El_Kabong shows up in my mind as one of those fanged, laughing aliens from The Simpsons.

Sunglasses is the cool smiley, of course.

Fionn reminds me of Finn Mac Cool.

I like LifeOnWry even though I don’t like rye bread.

MaxCarnage makes me imagine the guy from Doom.

av8rmike shows up in my mind as avamike, so I think he’s associated with avabeth.

I think I got everybody already in the thread. A few others…

Eve is always typing on a typewriter in my imagination, and in a fancy Victorian library. I don’t know how I imagine the words get onto the internet.

Manhattan wears dark blue and grey.

jarbabyj is dressed like she walked off a Rocky Horror stage.

GingerOfTheNorth is dressed in a big white polar bear fur coat, like a glamorous Russian seductress in an old spy movie.

I imagine KellyM as an ash-blonde cheerleader.

Flamsterette_X wears a little red devil outfit with horns.

blowero is a can of Pabst.

elucidator wears a monocle.

Esprix looks like a young, slim Alan Rickman, with no hair for some reason.

Polycarp looks like a tall Victorian-style Santa Claus, but not fat.

MonkeyMule also looks like a sock monkey.

OpalCat is a woman in a sequinned masquerade mask.

I never really thought much about this. I’m an odd person, apparently.