The Wierdest Dream You Ever Had...

… or at least a recent wierd one.

Mine from last night goes like this, names have been changed to protect my ass.

At my school, me and several friends are pulled out during school, and held in a small room above an auditorium(?) There is an understanding that we are being held here as food. (Once again, wtf?)

First, a male friend is chosen, then taken down to the auditorium. We don’t see it, but we understand that down there he is killed and eaten.

Repeat process with female friend, then with several people I don’t know who just happen to be in this small room.

It finally comes down to me and like one other person, and we are set free.

The wierd thing is, besides a slight tension/fear at the thought of being chosen, there was a calm, non-nightmare feeling to this dream. It was just bizzare, not really scary like it sounds to me during waking time.

Freaking wierd. Well, I’m sure other dopers have wierd dreams to tell about. Out with it…


From the Dreams Whilst in College Archives:

I’m in an unfamiliar farmhouse with several friends from college. Looking outside, there is another farmhouse (on the same plot of land) and a funky shed-type thing with a funky tunnel attached (the “tunnel” is made entirely of chain-link fence).

My friends and I are busy doing something, preparing for something. We’re all very serious. Folx start moving back and forth between the houses, and I get assigned to go to the shed to get something.

I walk out to the shed. The ground is mostly dirt with very little grass. I have to kind of hunch over to get into the “tunnel o’ fence.” There are lots of things in the tunnel, rusted cans, big weeds, plastic sand shovels. The tunnel is about 10 feet long and maybe 2.5 feet wide. As I get closer to the actual shed-type structure, I hear a funky noise. Hissing. Cats…quite a few of them…more every time I look. One of the cats, hissing and kinda skuttling closer, takes a swipe at me with its claws. Ow. I reach around in the dirt and crapola that’s along the fence, trying to find something with which to fend off the cats. Aha! I find a metal spatula…with a very ornate, gem-encrusted handle (imagine, if you will, Excalibur or something of that ilk…but on a spatula/turner)…Okay, whatever, I can work with this…

Rest of the dream is me fighting of rabid, hissing and clawing cats that are flinging themselves at me. As the dream goes on, the cats multiply. When I escape, I run to the nearest farmhouse…all of my friends are racing to get there, too. It takes us too long, however, and one of the evil zombie rabid cats gets into the house. We’re all kind of cowering in the kitchen…when my friend Adrienne has a kind of “aha!” moment. She starts to move toward the refrigerator…everyone is trying to keep her close and telling her not do it–whatever “it” is.

From inside the fridge, she gets out a bottle of French dressing. She puts it on a wooden spoon (normal handle, sorry…) and feeds it to the rabid cat, which pacifies the animal.

End of dream.


Okay. Here it is. I dreamt this while waiting for a class to start. I had a couple of hours to kill. I blame it on my medication, because I have never had such a sexual dream before. Don’t laugh. It might not be that ‘sexual’ to you, but my body must have been craving something that day…

Setting-Titanic(you know, the doomed boat)

I meet a man(he has a name, but I forgot it), blonde, blue-eyed, tall(but is nothing like DiCaprio, thank goodness). We talk, fall in love. One day, as we are walking on the upper deck, we hear a commotion. What is happening? Well, Hitler has decided to take over the boat and is giving a speech. “You must be happy; always smile! If you do not smile in my presence then you will be shot.” Nice man, huh? The man and I leave and go our separate ways.

I go to my room, which is supposed to be the worst(I am supposed to be poor). It is situated at the front of the boat, with a large window looking out at the sea, and has a lot of beds. Now, the women I am sharing a room with are part of a clique. They all hate me for some reason. Anyway, they are making fun of me about the fact that I am in love with a rich man. I am looking out of the window and notice glaciers. I knew we would be running into them, so I panic. I run out of the room, downstairs to my lover’s room. As I approach his room, he emerges. I run to him, hysterically telling him what will happen. He doesn’t believe me, but leads me into his room, lays me down on his bed and I fall asleep. I then have a nightmare and fall off the bed. He tries to put me back on the bed, but I refuse. We become, how shall I put it, intimate. Hell, it was really passionate. I don’t know why, but we still had our clothes on; maybe because we didn’t get that far. Well, while this is happening, Hitler bangs on the door and his “henchmen” shoot out the door. Lover stands up and I cower in a corner. Hitler demands smiles from everyone. We smile. Then he notices that I am holding a Miniature Schnauzer puppy(how the hell that happened I don’t know; she just appeared). He shoots her. Lover protests, then Hitler shoots me in left shoulder. I black out.

I am then taken(in the arms of said lover) to a nurse’s station(on land). It is right around the corner from a diner. :confused:

Oh, how I hate the movie, but I kinda like this dream…although it was one of my more disturbing dreams. You can just imagine my horror in waking up after this dream. I was just hoping that I didn’t look like I was trying to kiss anyone during my dream. That would have been embarrassing! There were a few people in the room when I was dreaming.

The funny thing about this dream is that I remember the “props” vividly. Everything was in color. Reds, blues, etc. Also, I seemed to be somewhat creative in what happened, although historically inaccurate.

      • The dreams I find the most compelling are the dreams that concern real places or objects close at hand. After you wake up, you are left with the choice of going to the place/object of your dream or ignoring it. If you don’t go, you feel guilty for not going. If you do go, you feel like an idiot as you are looking around, stalking a ghost of a future that you know will never happen, as you tally a list of reasons that reality is “wrong”.
        -You just can’t win. - MC

The setting is the front yard of my best friend’s house. My friend) and her twin brother are there (he is, for some reason, wearing plaid pants) watching me play catch with Dennis Weaver, who is in full “McCloud” costume (although his horse was nowhere to be seen).

That’s it. The whole dream is me playing catch with Dennis.
