The World's Worst Sandwiches (a partial list)

Can you say “Subway”?

Can you say “Togos”?

The sandwich I had last night.

White bread
Turkey roll
Melted cheese
Possibly mayo.

The bread was not grilled, although the cheese was melted. There was burnt stuff on bottom of the turkey.

That’s right, they grilled the turkey.

This gem was served with a cup of mayo that was an unhealthy shade of yellow. And there was waayyy too much mayo.


Vegemite sandwich.

In an old “Nancy” comic, Nancy wants to drink a bottle of root beer, but Aunt Fritzi insists Nancy have a sandwich instead.
So she’s out walking down the street drinking a bottle of root beer between two slices of bread.
A friend asks, “What is that?”
Nancy answers, “A root-beer sandwich.” :smiley: :smiley:

Those awful bologna sandwiches they served in the school cafeteria on buttered bread. Yuck!

Peanut butter and cigarette butts on a Kaiser roll.


Oh, you wanted real food-type sandwich ingredients? OK, how about Maraschino cherries, basil pesto, and chicken fat on Melba toast with a cup of maple syrup for dipping?

I saw this one on sale at the convenience store near my apartment just a few days ago:

Potato and strawberry.

I swear, give the Japanese two slices of bread and they completely lose it.


Anything with souse(sp?), or pickled pimento loaf.

Yes, those are two things people actually make sandwiches of… Blech! <shudder>

Ashy bites his tongue to keep from completely losing his composure while at work. [sub]mmph! ~ACK~!**snort![/sub]

I hardly ever used to get cafeteria lunches while in elementary school, but I can remember seeing a lot of “hamburgers” (that counts as a sandwich, don’t it?) which were an unhealthy shade of brownish-green if held in the proper light. They had an oddly ‘chemical’-like smell that probably came from whatever method they used to heat them en masse. The buns were occasionally moldy, too. But I hear that slightly-moldy bread is good for your immune system, anyway.

The memory calls to mind an image from Married with Children where a pair of fast-food janitors ‘cook’ a new supply of “Grade F” hamburger meat by pouring a powdery substance into a barrel and stirring with water as vapours come pouring out of it. :smiley:


“Milhouse likes Vaseline™ on toast”

–Lisa Simpson

OK, I don’t know if this helps or hurts my entry but I just talked to my mom and related my earlier anecdote.

Apparently I was mistaken…we kids were NOT allowed tohave the cold congealed chicken skin or bread at all! I guess I have sucessfully blocked the memory of standing by the industrial Hobart mixer, waiting for a cook to stop paying attention so I could steal bits of chicken skin which I would then put on stolen pieces of bread and eat…oh man…

She also reminded me of the time I stole a packet of powdered chocolate milk mix and ate it, and the lady in the next room found the empty packet, turned me in and I got a spanking…
…ahh, blessed Christian compasssion :mad:

Personally, I always wanted to try & fool someone with a refried beans & jelly sandwich.

I figure it’d look close enough to PB&J until they took a bite!

When my sister was pregnant, she liked tunafish and chocolate syrup sandwiches. Don’t even ask how her kids turned out. (Understatement of the year-- “weird”)

Raisin, cheese and mayonnaise. I kid you not. This was a regular feature of my childhood, until I was old enough to realize how awful it was.

This is Velveeta and raisins on white bread with mayonnaise. My mom lived through WW2 as a small child in rural England. I think it warped her permanently, she has some really strange ideas about food.

From the W.W.S. Advisory board:

We could have a winner here. So simple, yet so awful.

Was it available with swiss cheese?