The Yellow Power Ranger was killed!

The asian girl who played the yellow ranger was killed I hear! Does anyone else have any info on this?

Uh…no but whenever the last one gets off’ed tell me so I can start a post party.
My little brothers used to watch that everyday while I tried to do my homework. I absolutely hated that show.
And this is the best news I’ve had all day.


That’s harsh.

Damn, **Nicklz **, that is cold. We are talking about a human being here, not a character in a show. I can think of several people I don’t like to watch on TV, but I don’t wish them dead.

I was always under the impression that there were five elements to The Stages of Grief, so I was surprised to hear that there are actually six:

  1. Denial and isolation
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance
  6. Cheap shots

If you’re referring to Trish Thuy Trang she seems very much alive. Here’s her official website.
Warning: don’t go there if you don’t like hot pink.

That doesn’t appear to be the Thuy Trang from MMPR, who was killed last week in a car accident. Click here for confirmation.

That’s awful. She was my favorite; quite a looker!