The asian girl who played the yellow ranger was killed I hear! Does anyone else have any info on this?
Uh…no but whenever the last one gets off’ed tell me so I can start a post party.
My little brothers used to watch that everyday while I tried to do my homework. I absolutely hated that show.
And this is the best news I’ve had all day.
That’s harsh.
Damn, **Nicklz **, that is cold. We are talking about a human being here, not a character in a show. I can think of several people I don’t like to watch on TV, but I don’t wish them dead.
I was always under the impression that there were five elements to The Stages of Grief, so I was surprised to hear that there are actually six:
- Denial and isolation
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
- Cheap shots
If you’re referring to Trish Thuy Trang she seems very much alive. Here’s her official website.
Warning: don’t go there if you don’t like hot pink.
That doesn’t appear to be the Thuy Trang from MMPR, who was killed last week in a car accident. Click here for confirmation.
That’s awful. She was my favorite; quite a looker!