I am in on the “Doper coffee mug” exchange thing, so I have been looking in my letter box most eagerly the last couple of days. Today when I looked I found something suprising instead, a letter addressed to “the lovely brunette at (my address)”
I am the only Brunette at my address so I thought I should open it. On bright green paper (think Kermit) was the following letter.
"To the lovely brunette
I have been admiring you from afar. I find you very attractive and I was wondering if maybe ,if you are single, you would like to join me for a coffee or dinner sometime.
My name is (his name) and I am 34. I would really like to meet you.
If you are interested you can phone or text me. (His number. cell phone)
I am really sorry if this letter offends you, I’m just a bit shy. I have never done anything like this before but you have really caught my eye.
I look forward to hearing from you but I understand if you just throw this in the bin.
Thanks for your time.
(his first name)
I read this and then did the classic double take. You what?? I thought to myself. Then I came inside and felt all jolly and happy for a while. Then I thought…Shit I wonder who it is! Then I felt like I was one of the cool kids in high school. Then I thought eeeekkk someone is spying on me. Then I thought, aww ain’t that cute, someone likes me. Then I thought…maybe he’s an axe murderer. Then, then, then etc.
I rang my best friend and she said “awww that’s sweet and it took some balls! So when are you ringing him?”. She didn’t seem to care if he was an axe murderer!
So I decided I would decide tomorrow and ask Doper advice tonight.
Some facts to consider.
While I am a brunette I’m not entirely sure the lovely bit fits…maybe I look lovely from a distance?
I turned 38 on Tuesday. He says he is 34… maybe I look younger from a distance?
I am single. Though happily so.
He says he is shy. I am worse. I am shy and the shy makes me babble like an idiot!
I am rarely admired from close up let alone from afar.
I have no idea who wrote this!
Unless he is an axe murderer, I reckon this was a pretty brave thing for a shy bloke to do and I really hate hurting anyones feelings.
So Dopers…should I ring him? Part of me wants to and part of me thinks the whole thing is nuts.
Please talk me in to or out of ringing him because I am all a dither.