And I’ve got his number! And he’s got mine! And we are, barring one of us getting called into work, going to go Out and Do Something on Tuesday!
That’s pretty much all. Cute boy was just hired at work. He was on the register next to mine his second day; we chatted a lot as it was slow. He’s cute, and seemed nice, intelligent, and funny. Yesterday as we were closing, I once again (working on making this constant) got tired of being shy, and said: Hey, if you’re not busy the days we’re both not working, we should do something, go out sometime this week. He said: Yeah, sure, let’s exchange numbers. So we did, and he’s going to call me on Monday. Today, he was just doing a little cleaning before he left work, my shift was just starting. He passed by me and (flirtatiously) did a sort of ‘tickle my side and duck behind me to hide’ type of thing, which made me happy.
Anyway. That’s pretty much it. I wasn’t even nervous when I asked him if he’d want to get together sometime, which is a huge accomplishment. And if things go well on Tuesday, it will be the best birthday gift for myself that I could get.
That is all. Just a little “I’m all warm and fuzzy and giggly” post here.
What school does he go to? Have you met his parents? Is he Jewish? Does he have good table manners? Is he polite and wellspoken? Does he clean beneath his fingernails and behind his ears? Is he kind to stray birds? Can he gap his own spark plugs?
Er, thanks, dad. In case you actually want to know: Just graduated and taking a year off, no, no, I assume so, yes and yes, yes and yes, I assume so, and I have no idea, but at least he’s got a car.
The timeless story of boy meets NinjaChick.
Hopefully it won’t be the
Boy meets** NinjaChick**
Boy upsets NinjaChick
Boy get mysteriously killed by an unseen assassin.
version of the story.
See, my thinking is… if a Ninja has a date, and is excited about it, and you make fun of her, she’ll kill you. If she has a date, and is excited about it, and you ignore her, she’ll kill you. If she has a date, and you make all nice and pretend not to be terrified or her deadly ninja powers, she’ll kill you. But if she has a date and you act like an affable yet dotty uncle, she won’t know how to respond, and might not kill you.
Of course, you’d think that a REAL ninja (much like Disco Stu) would not advertise by choosing a username with the word “Ninja” in it. (Or would they be one step ahead and applying some kind of crazy ninja reverse psychology?)