Things are opening up. What personal service are you comfortable to try to get?

I need a manicure. I need a facial waxing. I would love a micro-dermabrasion and facial. But I don’t feel brave enough for any of them. You?

I find myself of two minds. As a Libertarian, I want to tell the government: F*CK YOU, we will do what we want, and if we get sick, that’s our problem; my body, my choice! But on the other hand, as a paranoid, I want to hide under my bed until there is absolutely no risk remaining.

But, as a pragmatist, I think I will take a wait-and-see posture. The founders were smart enough to gift us with a federalist system where each individual state can operate as a “laboratory of democracy” and we can see what works and what doesn’t.

Out to dinner, somewhere on a restaurant patio. Even with takeout, I’ve only eaten at home or my car. Would like to get an item that’s not good to go, but awesome at a table, like eggs Benedict, a steak…

Need haircut too, can’t do it myself. I go to a small place nearby that will abide by the distance/PPE rules.

Neither are really necessary, though. I’ve made some good meals and letting my balding hair grow is great again.

Gym. I was waiting til March after the first of the year crowd died down to get started on my routine. But that all went to shit.

None. Coronavirus cases are still on the rise in Arizona. Even though barber shops, salons, etc. are open now, the curve still isn’t flattening enough.

None, we will continue to behave as if we should still be in lockdown because we are fortunate enough to be able to do that.

Nothing yet. Although my state has good trendlines compared to most, and I’m in a rural country which has been little-affected, I do not feel safe or anything like it. Maybe in another month if all goes well here.

They had a story on the news about a salon that reopened and only the owner returned to work; the rest refused.

My daughter is a self employed hair stylist. Not being one to save money, the shutdown hit her hard. When the restrictions were lifted, she said she had $205.00 left in her checking account

She kept in contact with her clients and when she was able to reopen after 48 days, she has been working 10 hour days six days a week to fit everyone in. I am glad she managed to weather the storm. So many have not.

The restaurants got the OK for dine in service, with social distancing restrictions and limited to 50% of occupancy, two weeks ago but not many of them are oped for anything other than take out and delivery. I picked up a pizza at our favorite local place Sunday. I asked the owner when they planned to open for dine in and he said that he was waiting for the restrictions to ease up.

I have heard that many of the food service workers are much happier with the $600.00 a week unemployment than going back to their generally lower wages.

I have a couple of medical procedures that I need to prevent permanent damage (a dental thing for example).

Other from that, I’m not going anywhere. I’ve started shaving my head bald, as I sometimes do in the summer, and I use nail clippers to trim my own nails because I am an adult.

I would kill to get a decent Swedish massage and start going back to yoga class. I have a lot of back pain. But I’m not going out and risking getting or spreading the infection.

I might get a haircut as long as both of us are wearing a mask. A massage would make me feel comfortable but I cannot see myself lying face down into a head support on a massage bed that everyone else has been breathing into.

Other than those I can live without them for at least a month after the state of Michigan opens up. I’ll be eyeing how other states are doing two weeks after Memorial Day very closely.

I don’t feel safe doing anything yet. I cut my own hair a couple of weeks ago and have a appointment in June but I’m not sure if I’ll keep it. I’m a month past due for a dental cleaning and I don’t feel safe doing that either.
I guess I’m pretty much going to live as I did when things were still shut down. I know there will be a spike in cases here in Ohio but want to see how bad before I venture out beyond work and the grocery store.

I have a standing haircut appointment in another week and a half, and I think I’m going to keep it. (my hairdresser and I scheduled them every 5 weeks for a 2 year period) My hairdresser is back at work and wearing masks, etc… Plus, I’ve gone something like 15 weeks without a haircut- I was due for one the Friday after I started working from home and lockdown started back in mid-March. I have high school kid mop hair now if I comb it that way. Otherwise it’s very Ron Burgundy-esque.

I shaved my head and face a few weeks ago. I’ll probably do that again when it grows back enough to be aggravating or weird looking. So yeah, open up all you want, I’m waiting to see what transpires.

Unlike the maniacs in Wisconsin who immediately squeezed into crowded bars as soon as the state mandate was lifted, I am going to take a wait-and-see approach to most things. I figure the people in Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin, etc. are the “canaries in the coal mine”. I’ll see if they drop dead before I make any serious lifestyle changes. I’m already reading reports of increased numbers in Georgia and Texas, and it hasn’t been that long. In a month, we’ll know.

I’d get a haircut if I needed one. I just got an email yesterday from my salon about their new setup and it seems extremely cautious and I like that. They even have “no talk shampooing” because that’s when you’re closest to your stylist. Of course, I bought $150 worth of gift cards from them already so they have my money. And I don’t need a cut yet, I got one in March on the last day.

I do desperately need an electrolysis appointment. My chinny chin chin is getting wooly. I actually was just about to say I am so vain and desperate that I’ll go. However I just realized I can pluck it myself now and in 6 weeks try again. I think I’ll do that. Electrolysis, especially facial, is basically mouths 6" apart and one of us can’t wear a mask while she works.

Getting a haircut on Saturday, the 23rd. My barber and I will both be wearing masks. I’m comfortable with it if she is. We are also having a small gathering for Mrs. Lebeef’s birthday on Saturday. 8 people including us, in a large backyard with plenty of room of social distance.

I have a haircut booked for June 25 at the salon my wife uses. I know that they are taking the precautions that can be taken. I need a haircut. We live near a reservoir controlled by the city. I want to get back on it with our kayaks which seems like a safe activity.

Do you indeed know that she is comfortable with it?

I’ve chatted with people who are going back to work not because they are comfortable with it, but because financially they are unable to not return to work. Unemployment compensation doesn’t continue if your boss asks you to return.

I had my hair cut and colored last week. Stylist wore a mask the whole time and I held my mask up to my face the whole time. She works in a separate room, not a big open salon. When you arrive, you text her, and she texts you when you can come in. There is no waiting area. I’ve seen her every 5 weeks for years, and I’m going back on that schedule.

I also had a pedicure at a different place. It’s a tiny, neighborhood salon with only one person doing pedicures. There are only ever five or six people (operators and clients) in the place at one time. Everyone wore a mask. The management was VERY strict. I wore my mask and the pedicurist wore hers the whole time.

In the past, I’ve gotten regular facials, but I’m definitely NOT ready for those yet. I don’t do facial waxing or micro-dermabrasion, but I would not even consider those yet. For one thing, the client can’t wear a mask, and the operator is right there in your face, which is not the case with hair styling or definitely with a pedicure. I’d shove those to the back burner for a long time – just my 2 cents.

I was scheduled for a mammogram back in March when all of this hit the fan and I’ve postponed it several times. Now it’s scheduled for mid-June and this time, I’m going to keep the appointment. I don’t feel great about going into any medical facility, but I really want to get this done. I had breast cancer and a lumpectomy 5 years ago. I’ve also had a biopsy (negative, thank God) since then, and I want to keep up my annuals. At this point, after what will be three months of lockdown, I expect medical offices to totally have their protective procedures firmly in place. Five years after diagnosis is a significant milestone and I want to get that under my belt (or bra strap anyway)!

I had coffee this morning at a neighborhood coffee shop-- ordered and paid on my phone. Sat outside-- there was no indoor seating allowed. Four people were working in the shop and one of them was **not **wearing a mask. Two other people sat outside together, not wearing masks. I took my mask off while I was sitting and drinking, but put it on when I went back inside to wash my hands.

I’m going to ask my cleaning lady to start coming again… but not next week. Maybe by the first week of June. I feel antsy about it. I need to ask her if her church has started meeting in person again. If it has, I may have to rethink the whole thing. Her congregation is a group that I’m guessing will not be as compliant with masks/distancing as they ought to be. If I decide to have her come, when she arrives, I’ll leave (which was always my practice in the past) and walk down to that coffee shop and hang out til she leaves my house.

Lord… it gets exhausting, right? But the consequences of ignoring this and going back to life/business as usually are too risky to disregard. Blech :frowning: