Things I wanna do...

Go to a job interview, and when the interviewer asks me a question, respond “I didn’t come here to be interrogated.”

Go to a job interview, and respond to every question with the worst possible answer.

Go on “Jeopardy!” and wager $1.27 in Final Jeopardy.

Go on “Jeopardy!” and not say a word. Not even when Alex talks to me. Just stand there for half an hour, and leave.

Answer a question I have some knowledge of, but shouldn’t, then say I know it because I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Be at the birth of my next niece/nephew, and if it’s a C-section, start poking the guts while asking my sister-in-law “Hey! Can you feel this?”

Walk into an adult store with jarbabyj on one arm and Medea’s Child on the other, both dressed as slutty as legall possible, buy something, and ask if I can borrow the back room for about 45 minutes.

I wanna meet Superdude.

I needed to laugh this evening. Thank you.
For what it’s worth I always wanted to endure the entire Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme so that years later, when I finally got my Gold Award and got to meet the Duke in person, I could take a swing for him. Nothing fancy, not an assassination attempt or anything. Just a good solid left hook, and a Duke on the carpet. Beautiful.

My grandchildren will remember MY name.

I wanna meet Ginger

Thanks, Ross

I do, too, dammit! SD, you sound like so much fun. Then again, I might not be able to handle it, pass out, then you’ll leave me there like yesterday’s fried cheese. Oh, well. I would have met you. That’s all that matters. :smiley:

But, if you pass out, then I have permission to ravage you while the body’s still warm.

Maybe that should be “I wanna do Superdude.”
Or, maybe, “I wanna BE Superdude”!

What the hell do I know. I’m tired and cwanky and having a hard time sitting. I don’t even know what fried cheese is.

That’s okay, too!

SD, you walked right into that one. Hee, hee, hee! That is what I want you to do. :evil smilie:

Ginger, I just thought the “fried cheese” comment sounded um, funny? You know. You think of something and write it down only to have no one else understand what you’re saying. Anyway, I guess it could be defined as those breaded mozzerella sticks that they serve at various restaurants. That isn’t what I was thinking of, but you could think of it that way.

[sub]It’s only a model.[/sub]

Thanks for the laugh, SD. If you ever get around to any of the things you listed (or any of the fine women of the SDMB suggestions) I hope I can be around to watch. :slight_smile:

Something I just heard, that I had to share:

“I want to move to India…and become a cab driver.” [sub]-Zach Galifianakis[/sub]

Just keep hoping. You never know what might come true. :wink:

I wanna see Superdude give thinksnow a lap dance again. I about peed my pants the last time.

I take it you weren’t there when he kissed me, were you?


Was there tongue? 'Cause I think I woulda paid to see that.

I want to live to see my youngest childs children. (she’s 7…I’m 49)

I want to see the sun rise on an America not filled with pain and suffering.

I want to walk hand in hand with the love of my life forever.

I just want to.

Um…I thought of some more:

I wanna go to a porno theater with a squirt gun loaded with Jergens© Lotion.

I wanna be in a porno movie and NOT get laid.

I wanna go to a dollar store and ask for price checks.

I wanna go to a dollar store and threaten to sue them if they charge sales tax, because then it’s false advertising. “So everything ISN’T a dollar? It’s a dollar six?”

I wanna go to a movie theater with a friend, sit on opposite sides, and reveal the secrets of another movie.

D***!! Where was my camera!? Can you imagine the coin I could’ve made with that picture!? :eek:

Bwaahahahahaha! Now THAT’S funny.

I want:
[li]to hit a home run in my co-ed softball league.[/li][li]to get in a fight with a guy at home plate (I’m catcher) and kick his a**. I’m sure my therapist would have a field day with this comment. [sub]No, I’m not a violent person - I just have this terrible urge to be a Tough B****, for some weird reason[/sub]. What’s the female version of machismo? I think I’m suffering from it.[/li][li]to be the first one on the scene at an accident and save a bunch of people’s lives.[/li]to have the most OUTRAGEOUS costume at OhDope and not have people even recognize me. This might actually be do-able.

That was mini-Dope, Friday night. I was sitting with vix and boli, and vix told me she’d give me $5 if I kissed ts. With tongue. He moved before I could tongue, him, though.

Okay, now I’ve got to scrub my brain. The idea of your tongue in thinks mouth…ack. Can’t do it. Sorry. BSOD. I’ve got a general protection error coming up with that.