Things that you say that make you hate yourself

Whenever I hear myself say anything equivocal or bland, such as “I suppose so” or “That’s true” or “Nice”, I really question my own right to exist. Why don’t I say something forceful or opinionated?

I also hate myself when I talk about the weather just for want of something to say. The unending silence of deep space would be better.

What makes you cringe to be yourself when you say it?

No specific thing, but a few times recently I have had cause to summon up a whole lot of BS. Like in a meeting or helping a friend with a job application. Today it was rescuing a floundering project.

Each time I have, afterwards, marvelled at how good the shit I was talking sounded, at the same time wondering where it all came from. On two occassions I remarked to other people that the way I just invented all this stuff was kind of creepy.

How am I meant to know if anything I say is real or just some clever line designed to give a particular impression? But cringe is the right word.

“Buh-bye” or “no problem.” In both cases I want to give myself a good ol’ V8 headsmack. I blame those utterances on years of answering phones in offices.

Huh? So you are saying pleasant things that encourage your opponent to share his views, and, in turn, is likely to make him more receptive to your views? And instead you want to turn the conversaton into a peacock battle?

You’ve got your priorities all wrong mate. being willfully forceful or opinionated is a good way to get avoided fast.

I’m the opinionated kind, and I wish I would be less so. Usually, you both want to get a job done, and the best way to do that is NOT to get lost in one-upmanship. We’ve got enough of that in politics and it is bloody annoying if it would happen in RL.

[quote=“Maastricht, post:4, topic:649381”]

your opponent


You were saying?

I’m not talking about being an opinionated blowhard, but about not being passive and bland. That’s all!

You were saying?

I’m not talking about being an opinionated blowhard, but about not being passive and bland. That’s all!

Nothing at all.

There are many times in the past where I wish I had said something, anything, but didn’t.

Sometimes, when faced with an extreme case of stupid in real life, I “go off”. I will come out with a string of phrases that would leave R Lee Ermy blushing. I always feel bad afterwards. Not so much for the idiot as for anyone standing around within the fall-out zone.

Saying most tech-era neologisms or catch words, which slip out from time to time.

A while back I was permitted to scream in meetings if anyone used the word “prioritize.” A near-celebrity visitor used it, and the entire table quickly looked at me. I was staring at my agenda and very slowly tapping my pen. The celeb has no idea to this day why that meeting erupted in laughter.

What’s wrong with “prioritize”? Seems like a legitimate thing to me. One time someone also accused me of using buzzwords when I used the term “tradeoff”. “Tradeoff” is not a buzzword, dammit.

For the OP, it’s when someone tells me something really interesting, and the only comment I can come up with in response is, “That’s really interesting.”

As a Canadian I cringe every time I say "eh?’ while visiting the US. I’m thinking “Oh, God, I must sound like a stereotypical Canadian hoser!”

“Nice day we’re having, eh?” :smack::smack::smack::smack::smack:

“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

While some people say Um, Er, Eh or some other space-filler, I say “Sorry.” It’s the stupidest thing ever, and I’ve done it since I was a little kid. I have no idea why, even though I’ve been trying to stop it for years. It always throws people off guard and makes me look like an idiot.

That’s what the F-word is for. Instead of saying “I suppose so” or “That’s true” or “Nice,” say “I fucking suppose so” or “Fuck yeah!” or “Fuckin’ A, man!”

That’ll demonstrate your right to exist.

I always get mad at myself when I spend time bitching about my one friend. Mostly because one of the things I bitch about is that she spends too much time bitching about other people.

I hate myself for bitching about other people, in general. Grr.