Things that you've read/seen that you wish you hadn't?

Ever read or saw something that you wish you could erase from your mind? Something either soul crushingly depressing, vomit inducingly gross or just plain depraved that would take an Olympic sized pool of brain breach to get rid of? Try and keep it to media related things, not RL experiences.

I sure have.

*When I was 13-14 I got my hands on a horror paperback that was so disturbing I ended up throwing it away. The only thing I remember about it was it was some sort of “Good vs. Evil” fight that I think involved angels and demons. A long drawn out fight between a woman (I think she was a demon) and a man (who was an angel). The woman kept trying to “impale” herself on his “manhood” in mid flight. Also a really graphic scene of a woman being anally gang raped by a demon possessed bikers.

*When I was 17 I saw a video of a Racoon Dog being skinned alive in China. That will never leave me.

*When I was in high school I watched that episode of Master’s of Horror about the hunters and the magical raccoons. The one hunters face + the bear trap = nightmares for weeks.

Does this thread count? :stuck_out_tongue:

In 1989 I read an article about the collapse of the Cypress Structure (a freeway in the Oakland area) during the Loma Prieta earthquake. It was one of those in-depth pieces that really tried to get into the heads of the first responders. Part of it mentioned how some of the rescue personnel went down into the space between the upper and lower levels (the upper dropped down onto the lower, held up only by the cars) and saw a brain lying on the ground near one of the cars.

For whatever reason, I just can’t get that image out of my head, even after all this time. Some poor person was just trying to commute home, and ended up having their brain popped out of their skull and tossed onto the road.

It’s bugging me just thinking about it now. And that’s weird, because normally I’m pretty immune to being affected by stuff like that. Maybe it was because it wasn’t too far from where I live (I’m in San Jose, and only a few years after that, my commute involved a route that would have taken me over that same structure if it still existed).

The ritual scene in A Man Called Horse where the man is suspended by a eagle claws stuck into his chest. I was only 13, it seemed horrific.

Also, merely shocking, but Kathy Bates suddenly appearing nude in At Play in the Fields of the Lord.

Holy shit, TriPolar. Now that’s something that’s going to stay with me until well into the new year. Why do I open threads like this? :frowning:

She did the same thing in “About Schmidt”, and I saw it on opening weekend and didn’t know the scene was in the movie. It elicited the same response in the audience as the “choking on vomit” scene did the first time I saw “This Is Spinal Tap”, also in a theater, and we also didn’t know about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a more serious note, yesterday I was looking up a music video on You Tube, and in the “Videos You May Like” panel off to the right was a picture of a two-faced baby. :eek: I’ve also seen anencephalic babies on there too. Not something I want to be surprised with, that’s for sure. :frowning: I have no idea why You Tube thought I wanted to see anything like that.

Several of the American Ebola survivors have not minced their words regarding how severe their GI symptoms were. At least two of them have said that they not only blew out their diapers, it ran over the sides of the bed and dripped onto the floor. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Even more horrific is that they were conscious and somewhat mobile and knew exactly what was going on. Dr. Crozier, the WHO physician who recently identified himself, said that at one point, he was producing 8 liters of diarrhea a day, so yeah, I could imagine. I’m sure glad that the TV footage from Africa doesn’t come with Smell-O-Vision.

Against my better judgement I clicked on a link in a thread here on the Dope, quite some time ago.

The story was about a young South American woman who was part of a campaign against drunk driving, allowing her image to be used.

There was the “before” picture of a gorgeous girl in a bikini, on the beach.

Then there was the link with the picture of her after her car had been struck by a drunk driver, and she’d been burned over her entire body. I will not describe what she looked like afterwards, I just remember pushing myself away from the keyboard in shock.

She was brave enough to let her picture be used, to try and get the point across about the dangers of DUI.

Seeing people fall/jump out of the twin towers.

Right after I saw Dressed to Kill, I kind of wished I hadn’t (I still consider it one of my fave movies). Still not sure why–something about it I found really upsetting/disturbing, even though I’m generally a suspense/horror/thriller fan. Looking back, I’m glad I saw it, though.

No books come to mind…

Salo:120 Days of Sodom
Desperate Living

That journalist who was beheadded. The “first”? one, several years ago.

Also in the middle of an indie film about a day in the life of a bunch of people around the world, they showed a cow being executed at a slaughterhouse. Was not expecting that. Very upsetting.


I agree.

I’m glad I didn’t see the second plane hit.

I’ve seen videos of beheadings that I probably could have done without.

Yesterday, I sent a Facebook friend request to an old neighbor who I grew up with, and guess what? My feed is getting spammed with one anti-Obama meme after another. :rolleyes: She’s not posting them; she’s liking them and they end up on my wall that way, and fortunately I found out how to hide posts from the person who’s posting the memes in the first place, so I don’t have to hide her.

I have another FBF who’s a really militant atheist who was doing that with anti-religious, and specifically anti-Christian, memes - dozens a day, every day. In recent months, she’s had limited Internet access (going into more detail could potentially identify her) so I haven’t had to deal with it lately.

And while we’re on the subject of offensive videos, there’s always Tubgirl, Lemon Party, mypetgoatse, and any number of other things that can’t be unseen after they’re seen. Do not Google any of those on a public or work computer.

I think every autopsy photo I’ve ever had to see is still in my brain.

The Twilight saga.

The scene in American Psycho where he draws a razor blade across the guy’s eyeball. That’s when I gave up on the book, and I can’t bring myself to watch the movie.

Daniel Pearl? Was that his name?

if only there were some easy way to find information while online.

Oh god, that one still haunts me as well. That sadistic fucker peeled that poor tanuki’s skin off so slowly, and kept standing on its (skinless) neck while it struggled to get away from the agony, but somehow it kept surviving and the film just kept going ON and ON and ON. Somebody later said that the animal rights activist who filmed it (it was supposed to be “hidden camera” footage) had deliberately staged it, paying the guy to actually skin the animal alive to make the footage more gruesome and shocking, even though normally they kill them first. I could not figure out who to be more appalled with, the guy who actually did the skinning, or the supposed “animal rights” guy who made the whole thing happen.

That wasn’t nearly as bad as watching the old man get tortured to death by those three teenagers when somebody OH SO HILARIOUSLY posted a link to “Three guys, one hammer” in a message board thread one time. Things like that make me feel sickened and depressed for about 2-3 weeks, until I can stop thinking about them constantly, and even then they keep popping back into my mind every now and then, like when somebody talks about them.

I have absolutely no problem with violence or gore in books or movies, but when it involves a real live human (or mammal, I guess, given how the tanuki video made me feel), I just absolutely can’t handle it.

Well, I guess I don’t have absolutely NO problem with violence in books or movies. For instance, Spider Robinson’s science fiction book Very Bad Deaths was an awesome story filled with fascinating flashbacks about the main character’s years going to college in the 1960’s. But because the main plot involved trying to find and stop Allen, the world’s most horrific serial killer, and because Spider Robinson did a very effective job of creating Allen, I haven’t been able to re-read that book since i first read it 10 years ago, even though I would like to. I just can’t put myself through reading about Allen again, knowing that some people really do stuff like that to other people.