Things we love!

I love wrestling! And other stuff too!

Ok, thats it!

(It’s far too early… hit the wrong button. Let’s try this again…)

Watching a race on Sunday, and seeing Tony Stewart win the race (the only one better would have been to see DW win one one more time last year).

Late night chats that leave me exhausted at work the next morning.

Curling up on the couch on a rainy night, every candle in the house lit around me, reading a book.

Meeting online friends for the first time.

Shocking people with how wild I REALLY am once you get to know me.

And lots of other stuff, too! :wink:

Not to sound too dopey…

I give my son a bottle after his bath (15 weeks old). Usually he looks up at the shadows on the cieling. Last night he just looked at me the entire time. What else do I need?

Lizards! Most wonderful of all real creatures! Dragons are great too, but sadly they don’t seem to be available in any large supply.

Winter. (Mind you, only because I don’t have to go out and do battle with it.) The cold silvery midafternoon sun slanting through the window. The dark gray clouds, alternating with the brilliant blue skies. Snow like cotton balls covering everything, sparkling like diamonds under a moonlit sky. The cold crisp air. The smell of snow, the delicious smell of melting snow. Winter food and drink. Winter clothes, wool and fleece and cashmere sweaters. Snowshoes and cross country skiing and long silent hikes in the barren woods. Fires in the fireplace, woodburning stoves. Being able to cancel out on some boring evening appointment, in good conscience, because of “the icy roads”. Safe and sound at home during a blizzard. Fun projects with the kids during a snow day. Yeah, I know all about winter’s bad side, been there, lived through that, and yeah, I look forward to spring as much as anyone else. But the sheer beauty of the season - something I can appreciate and enjoy. As long as I don’t have to go out in it very much!