Things you don't do. (because they make you look like a fuckin' dumbass.)

Allright, first of all, I don’t know if this has been done already. If so it seems to me that it sorely needs to be done again.

Now then:
There are certain things you just don’t do, because they make you look like a fuckin’ dumbass. While this is true in so many situations, I’m am referring specifically to things you don’t do when flaming or even arguing (because they make you look like a fuckin’ dumb-ass).

For example:

Don’t intentionally misspell someone’s username in a lame attempt to make fun of it. If that’s the best you can come up with, you should just admit defeat and slink out with your dignity intact. This is not to be confused with abrreviating someone’s username in a friendly way, such as people calling me “Lex” or calling Coldfire “Coldie” or “Clogfire”. It’s when some dipshit tries to be clever by making a play on words out of the username of the person they’re trying to flame. You’re not clever. You’re not funny. You look like a fuckin’ dumb-ass, and I am now unable to concentrate on whatever else you have to say.
Don’t threaten physical violence on a personal level. The “internet tough-guy” is usually the “village idiot” in real life. This is essentially saying something like this:

Doper: You’re wrong, and here’s why. <insert valid argument> Can you prove any different?

Internet tough guy: Uh, duh, NO. But I can kick your ass.

Can everyone agree that doing this makes you look like a first-class boob? Even if I can kick someone’s ass, what the fuck does that have to do with the argument?
Don’t come back and say “Just kidding,” when you obviously weren’t kidding, just because you posted something stupid and got called on it. I did this once. Once. I never did it again. You know why? Because I realized that it made me look like a friggin’ jagoff. This also includes such lame excuses such as “I was being sarcastic,” and “I was conducting research.” What a bunch of bullshit.
Don’t continue arguing, even after you have demonstrated that you can’t back up your position with facts. I see this happen all the time. People present their opinions as facts. Then they get pissy when someone calls their argument so much conjecture. Then they are asked to back it up, and the best they can do is stomp their foot and say “Because!” I think these people fill out a form when arguing:

My [relationship] has [thing] and [situation], so obviously this means [situation] is universal. Using this form and a popular song by The Offspring, we can see how lame and assinine this is, like so:

“My friend has a girlfriend and he hates that bitch, so obviously, this means that hating your girlfriend is universal.”

This closely relates to
Don’t continually contradict someone. As Monty Python taught us, an argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is the simply the automatic gain-saying of anything the other pary presents. A valid argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a contrary point of view. Therefore, don’t just continually say “No it’s not,” and “That’s not true,”. Why? You guessed it, becuase it makes you look like a fuckin’ dumb-ass.
Don’t bring up extraneous shit that has nothing to do with the argument. If we’re arguing about insurance rates, don’t bring up things like my weight, or my job, or my genes, or my sexual orientation. My being a skinny, inbred, homosexual beef-slicer at Arby’s has nothing to do with insurance rates, so don’t bring it up.
Don’t rely on insults as the crux of your argument. Insults are all well and good, especially when they make you laugh. Further, without insults there would be no flames. However, you must remember to include some sense. Otherwise, it looks like you can’t think of anything to say in defense of your position and are resorting to name-calling.
Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. If you start a gratuitous flame war, or if you post a topic in the Pit, don’t whine when you get your ass handed to you with your head still up it. I don’t walk into a NOW convention wearing a shirt that says “Shutup and suck my dick.” carrying a boom-box blaring Easy E without expecting an ass-whoopin’, and more than likely a totschlagegung.
Don’t fly off the handle when you infer something from context. If you’re not sure what someone meant, ask them for clarification. Most of the time, they just need to rephrase what they said, because they “didn’t mean it like that.” on the other hand.
Don’t back-pedal when it’s obvious that you did “mean it like that”. This is closely related to number 3.
Don’t nitpick typos. Once again if this is the best you can come up with, you should just come right out and admit defeat and tuck your tail between your legs.
Don’t nitpick spelling. Same as above. Even if every other word is misspelled, don’t bother to bring it up unless you’re arguing about spelling. For example, Kinoons couldn’t spell his way out of a wet paper bag, but he’s still smart and often makes solid points.
Don’t nitpick grammar. Same as above.

There are more that you all will add, I’m sure. Hopefully, we can establish a set or ground rules so we don’t have quite so many people coming off like fuckin’ dumb-asses.
[sub]PS. I’m pretty sure I fucked up the conjugation of “totschlagen” which is German for “to beat to death.” If anyone can correct this, that would be great. It’s just part of the slang amongst my friends and I. Just thought I’d throw that out there, to avoid any confusion.[/sub]

SEXicon, er…I mean Lexicon, I don’t agree!

You callin’ me a village idiot? That what you’re calling me? If we ever meet in real life, I’m gonna show you that this “village idiot” is the “village blacksmith” and I’m gonna hammer your ass like an an iron on an anvil.

As you’re my good buddy, Lex, you realized I was just joshing with the ‘hammer your ass’ thing. Right?

You’re wrong.


My cat coughed up a hairball when looking at your post, so I feel comfortable in saying that all your posts make cats puke.

I don’t.

Did you know that Serutan spelled backwards is Natures? I think the connection’s obvious.


What do you MEAN I can’t TAKE it!? I’m telling the Mods! You’re just being mean!

By the way, about the “butthead” thing: To me, butthead is a term of affection.

You misspelled “alright” at the beginning of your post. Therefore everything else you say is suspect.

Also important: Don’t respond to every point, quibbling over stuff that has nothing to do with the substance of the other person’s arguement. :smiley:

(All kidding aside, Lexi: Great points and a great post! I agree!)

Is someone posting stupidly? Then be happy–you’ll win the argument, and they’ll be easy pickings. But trying to formally tell everybody else how they have to post makes you look like a fuckin’ dumbass.

And who the hell is this “we” that’s gonna set up “ground rules?” Did the mods and admins–the only people who actually have any authority–appoint you to some committe?

That would be “committee.”

I don’t know. I kinda like the play on usernames, but only if they’re clever. Too often they are idiotic. But, if you can get a good insult in there (as I appreciate good insults) I say go for it. The problem appears to be that people feel they need to do it. OH! Says poster x with no idea how to creativly insult someone. I’m gonna call out Esprix into the pit, I better make fun of his name too. It’s not funny calling him Espricks. NOW! if in the context of debate you call him Esprettypennyboy. That is kinda funny. or not.

Likewise, there are times when it is apropriate to make fun of someone’s spelling. When are these times? I can think of 3. 1, when the mispelling changes the meaning of their post. This is funny, and should be pointed out so we can all laugh. Everyone does it. you don’t need to be mean. But it can be funny. Monfort’s recent thread is a good example. 2, When someone nitpicks on others spelling or grammar. Anyone who does this should be shot, but barring that, should have any mistakes of their own brought to light, to shame them if nothing else. 3, if someone purposely mispells a word. wuz being a good example.

Also extranneous shit should only be brought up if you can pull it off. 99% of us can’t, so we shouldn’t do it.

No, nobody appointed me to anything.

What I mean by “we…establish(ing) a set of ground rules” is that I would hope that like minded dopers and Pitizens could come together and agree on things that people should not do because it is looked upon with much disdain.

Further, you can spare me the tired “who are you to tell me or anyone how to post” argument, if that old crock of shit can be called an argument. I’m not telling anyone how to post, I’m making an astute observation and relaying my opinion.

This avalanche of bullshit has rumbled down the valley of the Dope many a time. For example, when someone says “You can disagree with me if you want,” what they usually mean is “I never said you couldn’t disagree with me,”. Even so, some shithead will invariably respond with the lame-ass argument of “Thank you for your permission. Don’t tell me how to post!” or some other equally innocuous bit of drivel.

At least this gives us something to add to the list:
When someone advises you that what you are doing is making you look foolish, don’t whine about them “telling you how to post,” because this form of martyrdom is as irrelevant as it is stupid. It’s on par with with the nitpicks, because it is essentially an attempt to bandy words, and take focus away from the fact that you don’t have anything poignant to add, or that you can’t come up with a rebuttal.

So anyway, thanks for your 2 cents.

And let’s not forget:

Unlike your mother in a bean field, I’m not looking for pickings. I’m here to fight ignorance. I’m not happy when someone is “posting stupidly” because that contradicts the underlying theme we have here, which is fighting ignorance.


I disagree. Advising people of things they should avoid in the interest of etiquette doesn’t make you look like a dumbass… Taking suggestions on how to behave as a personal attack on your freedom of expression does.
And in reference to the good point(s) oldscratch makes, I should add a disclaimer:
**Disclaimer: There are of course circumstances under which these will not apply, and because of this, it needs to be reiterated that these “rules” are nothing more than shared opinion. In retrospect, I should not have used the term “rules” at all, instead I should have used “commone guidelines” or some such. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. My aunt shoulda had balls, then I’d have another uncle. Deal with it.

Lex, Lex, Lex… did I die on that cross for nothing?


E-mail me when this thread goes off the deep end - we can commisserate.


This has to do with my whole “I don’t know if this has been done already” thing, doesn’t it?


Please spare me your pontification.

Nice, I’m going to have to remember that one :):slight_smile:


Excellent post, Lex and a stellar rant. Funnier than hell and oh, so true. May I add another item to your list? fatherjohn’s latest contribution brought it to mind:

Don’t post just to be obnoxious. Your “anger issues” and formless hostility don’t make the pointless fights you pick interesting. Acting the idiotic meanie is dreary and self indulgent. Go punch your Tickle Me Elmo doll and yell, “poopyhead!” at the mirror for a while until you get it out of your system. Come back if and when you have something halfway sensible to contribute.

Please spare us your presence.


Lexicon said:

Like, no shit.

Yeah, nothing like establishing a few taboos to make fighting ignorance easier. Uh huh.

I’ll agree that you’re relaying your opinion, but that’s as far as I’m going.

So let’s say you manage to get all these “likeminded dopers and Pitizens” to agree on what “people should not do”…and then people continue to do it anyway. Now what, oh Master of the Pit?

And you would be doing what with this reply, exactly?

You’re welcome. And I have several bucks left, too.

And I’m sure “yo momma” comments are a vital tool in fighting ignorance.

S’help me, there are people running around here who think that “fighting ignorance” is best served by making sure nobody can see it on this messageboard. You don’t fight ignorance by sweeping it under the rug; you fight it by dragging it into the light and beating it to death–and you can’t achieve thatby attempting to enforce Propriety According to Lexicon. (Or even Propriety According to MysterEcks, for that matter.)

Then I assume my suggestions on how you should behave are much appreciated. You’re welcome.

Your mother shoulda had balls; then I wouldn’t have to waste time on this conversation.

May I add, “Don’t post Fact X when Fact X has already been posted seven times in that thread, just to prove to the world at large that you were aware of Fact X before the thread started.”

And I’ll break my silence once again for this…

Always good to see someone contributing to a thread.

Lex, man, I applaud the effort. And maybe, just maybe, in some far-off time, there’ll come a day when jackasses like the above will realize that the darkness that surrounds them is a result of their own rectocranial positioning, and the only struggle they’re prepared to fight is their own pathetic struggle for air.

Ahh, what dreams may come…

That would probably be the secret SDMB cabal. Ask Fenris. He knows all about them.

Then, later in the SAME POST

If my eyes could roll any harder, I’d be a gyroscope.

This is the reason I come to The Pit. I love this charming, and urbane dialogue. I truly do.

Captain Amazing said:

I know you were being sarcastic, but it’s worth remembering that there are actually people running around here who believe there isa cabal, or clique, or what have you. Where do they come up with this notion? Perhaps in part from posters who declare that some ill-defined unofficial “we” should set rules or guidelines for everybody here.

Mr. Cynical said:

And if you had a flip-top head, you wouldn’t need a “Reach” toothbrush.

You will note that I didn’t claim to be fighting ignorance in this thread–I merely claim to be fighting with Lexicon. (There’s usually a difference.)

TV time said:

And I’m sure we’re all happy to entertain you, too.

Request to moderators: Change MysterEcks’ name to “Easy Pickings”

Now that that’s all taken care of, why, pray tell, would you profess to be fighting Lexicon and not ignorance? Are you going to attempt to tell me that you found Lexicon’s post to be utterly enlightening, and that you’re merely playing devil’s advocate? If so, let me tell you, you’re fooling yourself more than anyone else.

It’s either that you found Lex’s post to be ignorant, and you’re fighting that ignorance in the only way you know how to (which is, coincidentally, by being a jackass), or you’re just a jerk.

You make the call. I’ll be enjoying your stupidity from afar.

Thanks, fatherjohn,

The next time some newbie asks “Ok, I won’t be a jerk, but what exactly constitutes a jerk?”, given the…charming…nature of your comment, there’ll be two reasons to point them to this thread.
