Things you swore you'd never do to your kids, but you do them anyway

So I’m diddybopping along through the grocery aisles the other day with Little Guy just chilling in the buggy when I notice something. He’s got a booger stuck to his nose. It’s gross, and I want it to go away but I don’t have any wipes.
What’s an unprepared mum to do?
Yes, that’s right. Just lick my thumb and scrub away, causing him to squirm and bleat at me but damned if I didn’t get that nose clean.

As I finish this charming little ritual, I remember just how much I HATED it when my mom did that to me as a kid. I remember swearing I’d “never do that to my kids”.
::sigh:: Another ideal betrayed.

So what do you do to your kids that you always swore you wouldn’t?


I use the phrase “Because I said so…” when I am exasperated. I hate using it, but sometimes it IS because I said so. I might tell them later on why such-and-such had to be that way, but I hear myself saying those words and shudder.

But I still hate doing it. I do my best to refrain, but like I said, sometimes, it has to be said, in terms of time constraints.

I recently uttered the following sentences: “Turn that crap DOWN! That is not music, it is NOISE!”
